(no subject)

Aug 10, 2019 09:44

[skips over the agony of realizing my last post was in March]

It is hard to find words to describe just how lovely the weather has been this summer. It could be that I spend most of the day inside in the a/c, or the fact that I live not far from the sea and humidity aside, breezes are a thing, or that I work in a tall building which graces us with wind-tunnels. But - given that it's been July, given that it is August, and I'm sitting outside on a couch on my parents lawn, in cool breezy shade, and everything is green and blue and I can wear shorts and be barefoot and feel the wind in my toes - I am very grateful for the weather.

Today's plans: buy housewarming plant for my cousin. Visit cousin and her baby and her pilates studio and see what this pilates reformer things are for the first time. Potentially join my mom and sister to visit my grandmother and her bf. Escape room at 11PM with my sisters. Basically I barely speak to anyone in my family during the week and then pack up all of the family stuff to the weekend.

...I had hoped to actually make a meaningful post but I actually have to leave now, so I will... hopefully come back and make an actual post later. HI.

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