I have been very strictly 100% hockey on tumblr, but after last night's The Good Wife I caved and went on a reblogging
rampage* of Finn Polmar gifs, because. I am smitten, okay. SMITTEN.
Also there were other good things that happened in the episode. I'm so happy at The Good Wife's existence. I've been so entrenched in RPF fandom, and having a good, serialized story to look forward to every week and just be consistently excited about - it's so much fun. I'm not watching a lot of shows this year, definitely not many I'm this hyped up about. I wish I had more. (Er, I guess I'm indirectly asking - do you have any TV show you are consistently enjoying this year that is really awesome and good and preferably has an online fandom?)
*5 gifsets, but still
on Dreamwidth.