I have no deep thoughts or insights or meta about this, just a deep recent curiosity: for any of you who write fic, how do you decide whether to capitalize your titles or not? Is it something that changed over time?
(I think! that) Lowercase titles are so much more common in fic these days than they used to be; I feel like maybe once they were only used for various poetry-inspired stories, but with time and maybe more of a lowercase chat-culture and lowercase tumblr-tag culture, there are so many more stories with lowercase titles. To wit: Looking at a very insignificant-sample-sized example from Hockey RPF, if you look at the oldest pages of the fandom tag, all fic titles were capitalized, but in the most recent stories, there are about 6 fics per 20 search results that are lowercase.
To me it seems like capitalizing titles is still the "correct"/normal way or titling, and a lowercase title is an active artistic choice; but maybe it's not, maybe sometimes people just do it out of momentum.
So: what about you? When do you lowercase your fic titles, and why? Is this something that just varies per fandom and does not exist in your fandom at all?
on Dreamwidth.