so: hi

Jul 01, 2014 02:48

(warning for some talk of death)

This evening has been an unsettling mix of emotions. Various hockey players have been traded to different teams. I was introduced to a heartbreakingly perfect song that fits my current fannish OTP like a glove and took some time to flail about that. I stayed at work until 10PM. My dad called and told me that my uncle, who was diagnosed with ALS four years ago, passed away earlier this evening. The IDF discovered the bodies of the three teens who were kidnapped two and a half weeks ago, and my Facebook feed is an onslaught of angry reactions and vengeful comments balanced by all too few rational voices (of which I am not part, because I am not brave enough to tread those waters on facebook in front of so many RL people), and the government is probably going to make a rash decision I'm going to hate. And outside, driving home, I passed by the dozens of cafes and bars all packed to the brim with World Cup viewers, enjoying the slightly cooler night air and the games airing in between breaking news reports.

It's just a weird mindspace to be in; flipping between tumblr and twitter and hockey blogs and online news sources and facebook, trying to figure out how to feel about my uncle. It was a very gradual deterioration, nothing sudden about it; he's been slipping for months, more so this past week. He was no longer himself, and with all of the deep sadness that he's gone, given the current circumstances, it's good that he and his family will be spared more pain.

My uncle was an amazing man, and I want to talk more about him but it feels less fitting given how this post is, well, all about me.

I will end with: hi, LJ/DW. I've missed you. I've been hanging out on tumblr, on twitter, on chat, on AO3, wanting to update here, never quite having the mental energy to click the "post" button at the end of the day and stare that white text box in the face. But when it comes to important things, I guess, there's nowhere that seems more comfortable, more fitting, than here.

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