Hello! Today is a terrible, horrible, no good day and I hate that that's the way I'm breaking a month-long, christ, silence but there it is. I haven't actually been away, I've been wanting to post pretty much every single day and just haven't been able to muster up the energy to do so.
State of the me: I am at work, I am not having a fun day, I am still deeply into hockey fandom, mostly reading fic and watching games and listening to podcasts and reading blogs. I want to say that I read everything on my flists, still, but that would be a lie, sometimes I skim :( It's been a busy few months :(
State of the state:
we have a government! It is... not nearly as bad as it could have been. I am confused.
State of the world: We also have a pope! Who is a
George Bluth lookalike, which is not awkward at all.
Okay. I basically wrote exactly 1 fic in 2012 (/o\), and just the 3 purimgifts ficlets in 2013, which makes me undeniably sad but I have recently begun having hockey plotbunnies and I hope hope hope to write more soon. In particular I have a Passover hockey plotbunny, so like, please someone hit me over the head if I don't write it thank you.
Until that happens, here's what I wrote for Yuletide and Purimgifts:
An Unexpected Visitor (Parks & Recreation/The West Wing)
Words: 1700 words
Rating: PG, gen, no warnings
Summary: Pod!Chris arrived in town on December 21st, 2012. (Written for
krabapple for
yuletide 2012.)
And for
hagar_972 for
purimgifts, three stories that take place in the same place, which had different names in different eras (my how clever am I):
Gate of the Valley (Bible)
Words: 765
Rating: PG, gen, no warnings
Characters: David, Abigail, Joab
Summary: At the Gate of the Valley, a royal carriage breaks down.
Neveh Ilan (NCIS/The Voice (Israel) RPF)
Words: 1000
Rating: PG, gen, no warnings
Characters: Ziva, Tony
Summary: Ziva meets an old friend during a visit (home).
Bab El-Wad (Israeli Defense Forces - Anthropomorphic)
Words: 990
Rating: PG, gen
Characters: ...anthropormorphic IDF corps er
Summary: The corps wait around.
...as you may have deduced, my recipient was Israeli, which allowed for a bit of fandom flexibility/limit stretching. At least it got me writing again! I am telling you. HOCKEY PASSOVER FIC, IT WILL HAPPEN. Very possibly as a crossover even, shocker shocker. *fingers crossed*
on Dreamwidth.