photodump: *everything* (almost)

Jul 23, 2011 23:20

It has been a wonderfully calming weekend*, and so: photodump of stuff I've taken since May, in chronological order. Including: nature, mildly urban natury stuff, holidays and family, baby fruits growing on trees, and the Tel Aviv Pride Parade beach party.

*other than the news, but - there is only so much I can let get to me at a time :(

Fallen leaves in May, in front of my Aunt's house

And on my grandmother's windshield

My boss's wedding; tables in the hall, dance floor on the left

After the wedding I walked back to the car through some alleys in Jaffa

"A revolution of love". I don't even remember why I took this, but a few weeks later stumbled across another one with
marina, who cracked up because of the resemblance to a certain Marvel supervillain helmet.

The table set up for Shavuot dinner! We are now in June.

The ping pong table proved to be very useful. The purple flowers were constantly shed from the tree above them.

There was a lot of food /o\

The children (my counsins' kids) enjoyed hiding out in the house paying Wii

A lot

There were desserts!

Some family photos that I will probably take down later:

Next: Tel Aviv Pride! I wasn't at the parade, but I went to the beach party afterwards. It's possible that these photos are at times objectifying; forgive me (and enjoy?).

I'm honestly not sure this dude was entirely human.

Beit Dror - a center/foundation for religious LGBT folks.

The t-shirt print says "Butch" (in the female form).

Glam unicorn sticker :D

After the parade I went to my cousin's, who lived right by the beach. to meet his new kitten.

You will probably hate me but I was not impressed /o\ It was like a small street cat, okay, there was nothing kittenish or fluffy about it. /not a cat person.

Next, White Night in Tel Aviv! This was... June 30th, where all night long there were concerts and outdoor events and public parties all over Tel Aviv. This is a fantastically good band, called Tamir Greenberg & Band, who played this kind of deep bluesy music and who looked really young considering the voice coming out of his throat. Turns out he's in high school. You can check out what they sound like on YouTube.

More of them playing!

And another band, whose name I don't remember.

My sister and I visited my grandmother a few weeks ago; casual snacks were served.

Flowers from our yard at home!

More from the yard

Judging by the moon, this would have been the first week of July

Random photo of my bookshelf being hit by the first rays of sunrise

The Night Queen from The Magic Flute! A week ago
harriet_vane and I went to Tel Aviv's annual Opera At The Park. It was nice :D

There was a full moon

Papageno & Papagena

...and their many babies who evidently hatch from eggs

More from our yard earlier this week! I really liked this little dude.

Baby lemons from our tree! Still green.

Baby pomela! She'll be ripe in about 3 months.

Mysterious berries...

The master of the yard

(I am a dog person)

Baby grapes from our neighbor's yard

I'm not sure which trees these are, but their yellow blossoms are all over town

The field outside my town

Loool my cousin's kid demonstrating his orange belt Karate moves. His dad is a triple black belt or whatever they're called, and this kid is going to like three martial arts summer camps this summer.

The following are all photos from visiting my Aunt and Uncle's last night. They live in an agricultural town in the center of the country, and have an avocado orchard and an olive grove and just... beautiful outdoors.

Baby mangoes <3

Avocado trees

Baby avocado!

More avocado trees...

Close up of the previous photo :-) My uncle grows the best avocados I have ever tasted in my life.

Moving on to baby olives

more baby olives

random watchames

The olive grove

Dwellers of the olive grove

which, I am pretty sure you can see me reflecting off their backs ahh creepy

I had to ruin the flow with one vertical photo, I guess




mango tree

aaaand baby pecans :-)

There is a strange cat in their yard that my uncle feeds scraps. It looks incredibly malicious.

And finally: today! Sisters and I went to Tel Aviv to watch a movie, at a theater across from the ocean.

The beginning of Allenby Street

Pooony! I am SO a pony person. Especially after coming back from a horse movie.

Hare Krishna circle dancing on the beach... /o?

fin :D

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doggie, family, tel aviv, israel, photos, holidays, pics, photography

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