Okay. I'm still bummed about my iPod, but I'm moving on to acceptance. Because there is nothing I can do but stare at its remains, swimming in a bowl of hopefully moisture-sucking rice, drying by the stove, and wait a few days. And hey, I guess I can be happy that at least my camera wasn't in my bag, because if it had been I probably tossed my guitar against the wall, and then I would have broken the guitar as well, and things would have just kept deteriorating exponentially.
Instead, things that have made me grin incessantly over the past two days:
1. Yesterday I got a card in the mail from
bironic, with a set of rock music sillybandz that
deelaundry's husband found for me. I can't even get over how amazing that is. It is a tiny set, comprised of a single guitar and drum set, just like a certain two-man band I know. Seriously, I cannot even. So much love ♥♥♥♥♥.
2. Last night I joined
marina in visiting
thecityofdis, who is currently in the country doing Birthright, and he is such an awesome dude and I'm so happy I got to meet him ♥ We also got to spend some time with his trip companions, including Kevin Smith/Gimli Dude, Hot Arizona Dude, Douchey McClueless (aka the Unexpected Cat), and Girl With Actualfax Alabama Accent, and all in all it seems like the Birthright group is composed of people it's at least fun to travel with. And you know how there's being witty online, where you can actually think through your comments, vs being witty IRL where you have to think on your feet? You should have seen him and
marina together, wit-snap-wit, it was like watching Sorkin dialogue in action. It was very impressive.
3. A while ago a Bandom joke circulated about Brendon Urie being called Brandon Yurgi -- I'm not sure why, I think it was something Spencer tweeted? -- and the Yurgi was so familiar to me but I couldn't figure out why. Last week I realized it was because of the Hebrew GWU t-shirt
hihoplastic got me over the summer, which is accidentally misspelled Yurgi Washington U, because that is what happens when you don't beta read your t-shirts.
4. This one is for Israelis and the joke probably won't work in print, but lolol: My cousin just moved into my grandmother's old apartment (old -- our parents both had their turn living there in their twenties, and its been rented ever since), and he found an old guitar stand in the attic. He told my grandmother about it.
Grandma: "Oh! It's builder's!"
Cousin: "The builder's?"
Grandma: "Builder! Builder! It's the builder's!"
Cousin: "What builder?"
Grandma: "Builder used to live there 20 years ago."
Grandma: "
Meir Builder!"
...lol I swear I'm laughing irl as I type this, and I know it really fails coming across in print, but. She pronounces Banai Ba-NAI instead of BA-nai. It's hilarious. (I'm sure you've figured it out even if you don't know Hebrew, but Banai the last name means builder, hence the mixup.)
LOL still. I do feel better now. Thank you for all your hugs and replies in the previous post, you are seriously awesome ♥
on Dreamwidth.