In 1960, Naomi Shemer wrote the song Twelve Moons about the twelve months of the year. The line she wrote about Shvat was: "And in Shvat, the sun came out for a single day."
We are already two weeks into Shvat, and so far we have had two days of rain and twelve days of sun. Today I am actually wearing short sleeves again. Whenever the sun shines these days I'm torn between basking in the beautiful weather (because it's beautiful weather), and actively worrying about the... well, drought. This it's a small country, with a small freshwater lake and a few streams and a few springs and some groundwater, but it's grown from having a few hundred thousand people a hundred years ago to eight million people now, people who have industries and agriculture and toilets and take showers and dishwashers and just, how can nature keep up with that? I keep dreading the day when the Kinneret surface level will finally be too low that salts and minerals will make the water undrinkable forever (maybe this is a scare tactic used by the government to get us to conserve water? I don't know, I believe scientists).
Basically this is another reason to make friends with Syria and Lebanon please now thx.
Small rec that I forgot yesterday: if you read
sneaky_sena's bandomstuffsit Brendon/Spencer college AU,
Always One Foot on the Ground, you should know that there are
10,000 words of a not!fic sequel which picks up just where the first fic left off, and it's got coming out and reconnecting with families and everything good.
This was going to be a post where I finally posted Stuff That Happened In January Photos, but uh. the meme
arsenicjade and other People I Like are doing looks awesome. So let's do that instead.
1. Name 2 characters from any of my fandoms. (anything I'm into or have written in the past, you can check my LJ interests for more ideas, oh god what am I setting myself up for.)
2. Name a destination, anywhere in the known or created universes.
3. I'll write you one character's postcard to the other, from that destination.
Also I'm not that adventurous so possibly I'll ask you to change characters if I need to.
on Dreamwidth.