Fine fine fine, I am not refreshing anymore, I will just wake up in the morning and the stories will be there! This is worse than Yuletide, but mostly because for Yuletide I'm always writing until the very last seconds of the deadline (or, on some occasions, past it), so it's more hoping that the mods have as many delays as possible than waiting for stories to go live.
Anyway! So I should go to sleep probably, tomorrow is another day of work, NO MORE 3AM ROGA TIMES unless it is a special occasion. I have finished reading all of Questionable Content, and maybe in the future I will work to pimp it out more because it is absolutely worth it.
I had cholent for dinner! My mom made some over the weekend and there are still leftovers and it is delish, the best winter food even though it is December 22ns and I wore short sleeves today AGAIN /o\ /o\ /o\.
here is the recipe I posted once, in case anyone is interested.
More food stuff: my dad returned from my uncle's today with a beautiful big bad of avocados; I am still absolutely certain that my uncle grows the best avocados in the world. Out own agricultural endeavors have been less successful this year. No rain means that our pomela tree, which usually produces about 20 pomelas per season, only produced 3 or 4 edible ones. We ate one today, and it was good, but so weak and puny :( It was almost smaller than an orange :( Poor bb, I almost felt bad eating it.
I am totally just filling this post up now because I don't want to have just left a two-sentence post. I'll stop now! Before I go, here, have
Brendon Urie singing White Christmas. Ugh his low octave voice. It does things to me.
annemaris informs me that apparently once upon a time
mentioned Adam Lambert in an interview and now the video has DISAPPEARED from the internet. DOES ANYONE KNOW MORE DETAILS ABOUT THIS WHAT WHAT.
ETA 2 wooooo fic posted! \o/ and now I can read and go to bed YAY.
on Dreamwidth.