This is in no way coherent, just various things I jotted down (or typed up) while watching last night's TV:
House 7.01:
Man, I have read this fic so many times.
lolol what is House doing LIFTING CUDDY UP IN HIS ARMS. Doesn't he have a... oh, whatever.
NEW CREDITS! omg. About fucking time. Omar Epps billed second! And they're shorter, I think. Too bad Kal Penn never got to be in them.
LOL WHAT this show is now officially talking about House's burning anus. I, what is going on.
And now House is making crappy food. Isn't he like a magnificent cook? This is all so weeeeird. I don't hate it, but it's weird.
lololololol RSL has an offscreen line part. He must be ecstatic! No coming into the studio!
"You were thinking about Wilson when we were having sex? That's so cool, so was I!" Oh, the fanservice.
LOL Chase. IDEK. I kind of like that he's not beating around the bush. I am totally wiping season 5 from my mind so I can like him again.
Thirteen: "I think we took the long way around to being friends, huh?"
Dr. Richardson: "I guess we all did." <---LMAO, best line of the episode.
Thirteen: "I never should have flashed him."
LMAO, smooth, Chase, smooth.
Oh fuck, man, I was not expecting to get all choked up at House's "I love you" to Cuddy. Huh.
LOL "Happy Bar Mitzvah Ephraim" cake! How much do you want to bet that's the name of one of David Shore's nephews? But aw, poor Foreman.
...Oh. Smart move, Thirteen. I approve of the sneakiness. I'd be worried if this weren't the first season where Olivia Wilde actually had her name in the credits, so. Not really worried quite yet.
It's weird. I guess when you've been in a fandom for so long and read so much fic about a certain pairing, when it finally happens it feels more like fanservice than something organic that came from the show. That, and by this point I've read so much House/Cuddy (and House/Wilson, which, in terms of House getting into a serious relationship, are very much alike), I've probably read almost every scenario the writers can think up at least once if not more, and seen them done well. The sex and conversations House and Cuddy had in this episode felt more like options than actual hard canon, like one of many possibilities that could have happened. So... basically like fic. It all felt very familiar.
Chuck 4.01: was generally fun? I still don't love Morgan, sorry. But I liked Casey ♥. And lol, Beckman at the Buy More. And Chuck's mom! But nooooo no more secrets from Ellie D: D: D: I have waited so long for her to find out, I hate that he's still lying to her now. I mean, okay, the timing wasn't perfect, but he had better freaking tell her this time, and soon, instead of her finding out about him lying to her. Because this time the discovery isn't "I'm a spy!" but rather "I've been lying to you!", and that one isn't nearly as much fun.
Hawaii Five-O 1.01: Wow, that's a lot of unrealistic action. But pilot episode, okay, I'll give them that. It kind of grates that after all that seemingly contemporary military setting, big battle and so many of his friends and the guy he was hunting just died, the only text they could give him wasn't even a goddamniit or a damn it, but just a "no no no!" I mean, doesn't quite get the emotion through.
lololololol the intro! Oh my god, I'd forgotten this was the music. In Israel, and it is a damn shame I cannot find that clip, that music was used for the opening (or maybe ending) credits of a comedy sketch show from the mid-90s, the
Comedy Store. I will never ever ever be able to take this song seriously.
LOL, Hawaii. It's like Lost but with actual civilization.
DDK! <3
Okay, has no one canvased the crime scene before him? Like, we know he had to travel halfway around the world to get back home, so meanwhile the crime scene's just been there, waiting?
Seriously, it'd be pretty cool if they made references to Lost, seriously. Like, Kona reminiscing about working as an extra, or Chin Ho doing security for the set.
La la la rest of the episode "banter" "animosity" "ust" "cool chick" "action" and James Marsters "dies". This was really not that interesting, and both Danno and McGarrett are kind of annoying -- like
musesfool said, McGarrett is so totally a Mary Sue wow -- and theoretically I would give them a break seeing as this episode was all expositiony and just set up the team, but really, I probably watch too many things to add this show if I don't absolutely have to, so no. I'd probably enjoy the other episodes more, once they actually start working as a team and it's not all about Danny and McGarrett's relationship, but in this case, I'm probably not going to try. (Unless I start hearing really good reviews, idk.) I wish this show were actually focused on DDK and Grace Park, both of whom I love.
The Event 1.01:
...lolol. I don't expect much realism from show like this, but when a character drives madly into oncoming traffic for 10 minutes while talking on the phone, I don't know, I think that might be stretching it.
LOL, Sean jumps into the water and you can see his girlfriend mouthing "fuck". At least it's not Hawaii Five-O's "No! No! No!"
What the hell, were they just snorkeling underwater? I was under the impression you needed, you know, oxygen tanks to actually go diving. *googles* Nope! Apparently there are ~techniques. Clearly I should familiarize myself with them.
is there a reason the ground is shaking so much as then plane descends? I don't recall there being earthquakes by airports...
...ooooh. It's a supernatural thing. Okay.
All in all: I really knew nothing about this show going in. I don't know if anyone did? It was definitely the most heavily marketed show I encountered in the US, and most of the marketing was based on giving it an air of mystery. Basically it worked, I mean hey, I watched the show, but it feels so unoriginal so far. Broken narrative, flashbacks, different POVs, plane crash in the first episode... it's like Lost 5.0. All four of the main characters so far are guys, and the only girls we've seen are wives/girlfriends/daughters and Laura Innes. The show's name is really freaking stupid and either pretentious or self-mocking or maybe a mix? IDK. Anyway, the only thing that intrigues me is, you know, what the hell is going on, but unless I read good reviews I'll just look it up online once a few episodes have passed to satisfy my curiosity.
HIMYM 6.01: :D! That was fun.
Shows I am really waiting for: FNL, The Good Wife, 30 Rock. Grey's, I guess. I still have to catch up on half of last season's NCIS and the current season of Mad Men, which I will mainline when it's over (or close to).
(no more spamming tonight! I am done.)
on Dreamwidth.