--Why are jellyfish so EVIL UGH FIND YOURSELF ANOTHER OCEAN (did not get stung by anything other than floating particles, but the sea was fucking terrifying with all the ~potential.)
--There are so many Bandom Big Bang fics I want to read it's not even funny. Big Bangs are almost as evil as jellyfish.
sabra_n is in Israel ahhh! ♥♥♥♥♥ :D :D :D.
Our party, farther away from the beach so as not to lug our own sunshades. Unfortunately this means no sandcastles.
Clear water beach showers. I always assume they have these at every beach in the world, but I don't actually have any idea if that's true.
= the beach ~experience
And then I left to meet
sabra_n wooo! \o/ And by "left" I mean walked to the marina (in Hertzelia) from the adjacent beach.
Where we ate! Almost all of the restaurants were airing the game.
And, assorted photos from the last few weeks:
Sunset at the uni from a few weeks ago, with
Banners up, week before the Parade.
National Book Week fair at Rabin Square in TA.
Weird yet pretty cool decorative constructions outside the cinematheque during the International Student Film Festival.
Christopher Robin!Ryan & John Sheppard!Pooh art, because when
tieleen is involved sometimes these things just happen.
on Dreamwidth.