Ficlet: Cause I Know This Flame Isn't Dying (NCIS/American Idol crossover, gen, g, ~700 words)

May 02, 2010 06:13

Because what's been missing in your life all these years has been pun-filled crossovery RPF Lag BaOmer fic.

Title: Cause I Know This Flame Isn't Dying (NCIS/Idol crossover, gen, ~700 words)
Warnings: puns /o\. possible oocness.
Notes: There is actually no excuse for this being an NCIS crossover other than me asking miarr QUICK! GIVE ME A JEWISH CHARACTER WHO ISN'T ADAM and her coming up blank and me coming up blank as well?? and eventually deciding FINE ZIVA WHATEVER. Pretend they have just finished a joint mission with NCIS LA and are chilling out in the West Coast until their flight back or whatever.
Summary: "It is the consensus among the Jewish population in the greater Los Angeles area that Lag BaOmer bonfires have become superfluous in the time of Adam Lambert."

(turn it up, heat it up)

(posted only to DW for Three Weeks of Dreamwidth; if you don't have an account you can leave comments via open ID, anon, or none at all. Or ask me for an invite code! Apparently I have three.)

fic: all, fic: jewish, holidays, fic: american idol, fic: misc

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