Can somebody please save me from this icon binge from hell? I spent years being perfectly content with my 6 LJ icons, I've spent at least a month with only 15/100 DW icon slots filled, and suddenly I've started looking up icons and saving them and it never stops and I will never have enough slots for what I want and I will also, to be honest, never use half of the icons I'm saving but I need to have them. Send help? Advice? A shrink?
I am now officially all caught up on Supernatural (\o/), Chuck, The Office, 30 Rock, and Grey's. Still have to catch up on the last few episodes of: The Good Wife, House, NCIS. And catch up on an entire season of Ugly Betty because it just ended and I heard the finale rocked, and I miss that show. And it is quite possible I watch too much TV and will never actually be able to catch this up (until my next exam period, of course).
At the moment, though, I am in a comics mood and I want to finally catch up on everything to do with Kon yay :D So I'm looking up which issues I need to, um. *Obtain*.
I don't even know what I'm still doing up given that the only sleep I got between yesterday morning and right now were thirty minutes of napping on the train. But it is 1Am and I've entered that next cycle of wakefulness. Maybe it's my dad's cake! My dad made magic cake, guys. It has biscuits and coffee and cream and strawberries, and the strawberries are spaced perfectly so you don't have to struggle with slicing into them when you're cutting out pieces, or like push one over to your piece instead of slicing and then feeling bad because the next person will get a slice with no strawberries at all. It is both delicious and tastefully engineered.
My dad also bought a watermelon today. More signs of summer, right? Except he didn't check the price before checking it through the counter, and only when he got home he looked at the receipt and discovered that it was fifty five shekels. That's, like, a shekel per bite. So, fail. It is very much not watermelon season yet.
Recs: I will have more once I get through more Adam crossover entries in
blackdress_adam, but for now, two fics I could not stop flailing about:
Pinch Hitter by
bexless (Adam Lambert/Bandom) -- Adam/Frank/Gerard, NC-17. It's hot, and it's funny, and it's ADAM AND FRANK AND GERARD, OKAY, I MEAN. EEEE. It starts with a hilarious introductory picspam of the characters and turns into 6500 words of keyboard smash, on my part.
Lacrimosa by
winterlive (Adam Lambert/DC Comics) -- Adam/Tim Drake, NC-17. Oh my god, this fic. Tiiiim. Adam. This fic takes place after Kon's death, and Tim is broken, and Adam's Adam, and they grieve together and manage to find some comfort and it's got just the right blend of heart-wrenching and humor and hotness. I really recommend this fic even if you're only familiar with one of the fandoms; both of them are so thoroughly in character, it's a pleasure to read. If you come from DCU, just know that Adam's, well, a singer :-) And if you come from AI, just know that Tim Drake is Robin of "Batman and" fame, and don't worry he's not underage, and he's amazing and his best friend just died and omg my heart ♥.
Seriously, I love this fest so much.
Before I go, Eretz Nehederet hasn't exactly been brilliant satire this season, but one thing in their math tonight made me LOL:
on Dreamwidth.