I have Unseen Academicals! Hardcover, American cover (always, always uglier than the British), and only 399 pages long :(:(:( It has now automatically been bumped to the top of my books to read, once I start reading books again, and I don't know whether to be happy or cry.
It was delivered to me by a friend whose dad just arrived from the States, where it cost $15 through Amazon instead of the $40 it's currently available for here. It was delivered along with a candy-filled gift mug that says: "I DON'T PROCRASTINATE... I RESCHEDULE", which came from my friend's mom. Because lol, apparently my friends' parents now know me as Procrastinator Girl, being of course entirely accurate.
Tonight I made one of my favorite dishes in the ENTIRE WORLD: Mom's Corn Soup. I am not kidding guys, this soup* is one of my top desert island foods. This soup was my comfort food for so many years. It was what I asked my mom to make me on my 5th birthday, it was what I'd ask her to make me for my (midwinter) birthday almost every year and it was what I'd ask her to make me during rough weeks in the army, when I was miserable and it was rainy and the thought of the steaming corn soup that would await me at home over the weekend did a lot to lift my spirits.
Last night I asked my mother for the recipe, tonight I made it at the apartment, AND LO, IT WAS DELICIOUS. I'm planning to eat it spoon by spoon, make it last all week, omg my mouth is almost watering just thinking about it.
The truth is, though, that once I tasted it and realized that it was just as good as when my mom makes it, it... lost some of its magic. It's like rainbows: they're rare and unexpected and such a treat to stumble upon, but you wouldn't want to have a remote control that turns them on and off with a click. Mom's corn soup has now lost its mystery and its rareness.
But it's still damn fucking good, so here is the recipe:
(Caveat: my cooking terminology in English is kind of crap. I'll do my best to explain myself.)
2 medium/large sized cans of corn (I use sweet corn)
30gr/2 spoons of butter/margarine/some combination thereof
2 yams/sweet potatoes/however you prefer to call them (lol, I am addicted to slashes)
1 cup water
2 cups milk
250mL Cooking Cream (ie 1 container for Israelis, ~8 fl oz. Containers here are 10%-15% fat, you really don't need any more and you can even let this go if you want to.)
bit of salt and pepper (which, lol, I forgot to add and didn't even notice)
1. Steam the corn with the butter in a covered pot for 7 minutes (medium heat, so it doesn't burn). Meanwhile, peel the yams and cut them up into cubes.
2. Add the water, milk and yams to the pot. Cook on a medium flame for about 20 minutes. Watch to make sure milk doesn't overflow.
3. Mash the soup with a handheld masher/blender/regular blender. (The soup didn't all fit into my blender so I had to do it in two rounds.)
4. Return to the pot, stir and cook for another 10 or so minutes on the verge of boiling. Occasionally stir.
5. Turn off the heat, and add the cooking cream (only after you turn off the heat, Mom stressed, or else the cream will... idk. Something bad will happen. Secrets that only cooks and chemists know.)
And that's it! So simple. SO GOOD. Mmmmm. This soup has defined my life.
*along with Grandma's Tongue with Mushroom Gravy and the timeless Toast With Avocado, Salt and Lemon.
...meanwhile, I have still not signed up for
yuletide. I will, of course, within the next three days. And until that, That Meme:
Pick a paragraph (or any passage less than 500 words) from any story I've written, and comment to this post with that selection. I will then give you a DVD commentary on that snippet: what I was thinking when I wrote it, why I wrote it in the first place, what's going on in the character's heads, why I chose certain words, what this moment means in the context of the rest of the fic, lots of awful puns, and anything else that you'd expect to find on a DVD commentary track.
(And I'll just add, since it probably won't be brought up but I've wanted to mention it for the longest time now: in
Whole New World, there's a line that goes: They might even toss him out of the House for considering to vote for a Democrat next time.
The only reason the word "house" is capitalized is that I wrote this in a rush a few hours before the deadline, on the tail of three years of writing House fic. I get so embarrassed every time I read that line now. That is all.)
on Dreamwidth.