Remix reveal! FIC: Star Trek Reboot/SGA

Jul 26, 2009 20:03

Remix reveal time! I was assigned to sabinelagrande, and remixed her story Takes One to Know One into:

Congrats, You've Met Your Match (The Space Captain Remix) [Star Trek 2009/SGA]
R, ~3000 words, John Sheppard/Jim Kirk, no spoilers.
Summary: Jim Kirk has issues with the new guy. (Academy fic)

So yeah, I wrote a crossover. Shocking, I'm sure.

In a bout of procrastination (test in two days, eep), I conveniently wrote this last night:

The first thing I did upon being assigned to sabinelagrande was naturally look at her fic list, and I was a little freaked out: not only does she have hundreds of stories, but we share at least, like, ten fandoms, all of which I love, making it even harder to choose. I started skimming through her stuff, got overwhelmed, and set it aside for the moment.

Then, a few weeks later, I returned to the fic list, to discover that sabinelagrande had since written Trek fics! Which was really great, because as much as I loved all the other potential fandoms, I wasn't in what
thedeadparrot so aptly dubbed the 'fannish headspace' of any of them - but then the Trek fics appeared, and I'd been itching to write Trek fic for a while and this was the perfect excuse. And then I found the crossover, and I mean, come on, it was an SGA/ST crossover. I was helpless in the face of it.

The original was basically a PWP - which, on the one hand, gave me a lot of room to play with, but on the other I felt a little like it was cheating, because in theory I could write any Sheppard/Kirk scenario I wanted to and just say, “and then [original fic] is the sex that happened”. But to keep the spirit of remix, I decided to look at the original story and keep the basic relationship between the characters the same, maybe with a little twist, and tell the story of how they got to be where they are. I took a bunch of elements from the original story - John “not knowing” how he always ends up in these situations, his fuck-me!hair and his slinky walk being ambiguously intentional, Jim suspecting John's innocent routine of being an act (and being right), and in the end, the realization that these two are soulmates waiting to happen.

I eventually wrote the story pretty close to the deadline, I admit - I won't say how close because it's kind of embarrassing, but I was determined not to drop out of Remix like I did last year. It was obvious to me that the setting for Kirk and Sheppard's meeting would be the Academy - it allowed me to write them without the “baggage” of their future responsibilities and other relationships, and without needing to fanwank away the conflicting universes they inhabit: no Enterprise vs. Stargates. They both have the military in common, that's enough.

So I wrote the story, and
thedeadparrot looked it over, and said that the ending was a little sudden, and with no build up. This would be because at this point, the story just jumped from Kirk and Sheppard sleeping for the first time to the morning after realization that John did style his hair intentionally, etc. She suggested that what would work would be Kirk sleeping with Sheppard in this convoluted plan of his until, week later, Sheppard would be all, “Wait, that's why you're sleeping with me? I don't want to be captain anyway.” And, YES, this is why I need a beta. So I added that extra scene that details what happens over two weeks of Kirk and Sheppard's growing relationship, and I changed the last scene to include the acknowledgement of everyone's motives, just so we're clear, and the fic turned out infinitely better for that, I cannot even tell you.

Incidentally, the same week I added in those scenes, I also happened to reread
astolat's Idol RPF fic Mastermind. I don't know how much I was actually influenced by Mastermind since I'd already had most of my Remix fic written at that point, but once I posted, I suddenly realized there was a certain similarity in plot, so props to that fic as well.

Okay, as usual, I've rambled too long about this; in short, I took a fun, sexy fic and tried to turn it into the kind of fic I'd have written for a similar Kirk/Sheppard prompt.

Anyway, Remix was fun this year, yay! I hardly read any of the other stories, but I'll try to make it up this weekend. Thanks to the mods, and now begins the countdown to Yuletide... \o/

comments on Dreamwidth.

fic: all, remix, crossovers, writing, fic: star trek, fic: sga

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