Breaking news:
sabra_n does not, in fact look like this:
! Shocking, I know, almost as shocking as it was to discover last year that
bironic didn't actually look like Wilson staring pensively out a window. In any case, Friday night the Birthright group arrived in Jerusalem, and I -- in a quite fitting honor of Jerusalem Day -- drove down to meet her. And yay we talked! In the hotel bar at first, where I showed zero local savviness and ordered the wrong kind of coffee and then drank the disgusting thing anyway. And then they turned out the lights on us at midnight and kicked us to the lobby, where we talked until the janitors kicked us out of the lobby as well, so we went to a slightly creepy abandoned dining room thing, and then it was suddenly 4AM and time to go.
Then last night I met her again, this time with
sabrina_il -- we managed to navigate ourselves to Ben Yehuda street (or: Americatown) in Jerusalem, and hung out some more. Surprisingly, the possibly Korean Christian choir I saw singing in the street last year were still there -- I'm starting to think they just bought the street corner to spread their merry gospel, and if so, they are adorable and I approve.
I'll take this opportunity to once again pimp
Birthright -- if you are of Jewish descent and 18-26 and want an almost free opportunity to visit meeeeeeeee (and, like, the rest of the country, whatever) -- sign up! And tell your friends to, too. I am always up for lunch with tourists.
And now, links:
Just because I wrote and posted it before a bunch of people watched the movie, I'm re-linking now --
The Law of Unintended Consequences, House/Star Trek, post-movie gen crack. This is what happens when you cast Jennifer Morrison in places where I don't expect her.
Some more Hebrew slang that
sabrina_il posted, for all interested. Every single quote attributed to me is false, and I say this with love; the examples, however, are quite informative.
Tieleen's HIMYM NCIS AU, written for my prompt, with a side of -- eee -- butterflies. Barney as Senior Field Officer! Ted with a studded collar! Crack = ♥.
Laws of Motion by
miarr (Star Trek, Kirk/Spock/Uhura PWP). I was given the privilege of betaing this fic, which is funny, in character, and ridiculously scorching hot -- and has a truly delightful, smug Kirk POV, which includes the lines:
Add another tally to the scoreboard:
Womankind: 0
Kirk: → ∞
So far, everything was going according to plan.
(Don't worry, not everything will go according to Kirk's plan.)
on Dreamwidth.