(no subject)

May 13, 2009 21:56

--What is up with LJ? Is it acting out for everyone, or just for me? The pages take eternity loading, if at all.

--This is probably a blessing in disguise since I should be studying, not reading my flist.

--Nevertheless, two short recs which I have to mention, even though, with LJ being down or whatever, I haven't yet been able to leave them comments, nor will you be able to access them. Probably. But still, lest I forget:

New Star Trek/SGA crossover ficlet by
thedeadparrot. The transporter room doors slide open and Kirk himself steps through. John hates the punk on sight. Hee!

Because it Sparkles by
miss_porcupine -- SGA, gen, and hilarious: the Atlantis staff watch the 2006 Eurovision. With links. Awesome (and exactly like it happens IRL).

--By the way: I'd mentioned a while back that I wanted to have a Bible fic fest of sorts, and that Shavuot would be the perfect time. Well, dues to school stuff, Shavuot really really wouldn't; just figured I'd say it aloud. I would still love to do it at some point, though, maybe over the summer.

--Sigh, study.

comments on Dreamwidth.

recs, star trek, sga

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