1. War-wise: (a) Eventually things do start hitting closer to home, although thankfully not literally. My dad's secretary's son was injured in Gaza a two days ago; he's a paratrooper (in mandatory service) and was shot in the leg. He will be fine. (b) Today three rockets were launched from Lebanon. I don't actually believe a second front will open, but I called my best friend in Haifa anyway and made sure she knows she's staying with us if something does develop, which it won't. (c) Wow, things in Gaza are so, so bad. They should really end, like, now. Please let a good ceasefire agreement magically appear.
2. Schoolwise: after waiting for our prof for 10 minutes after the class was supposed to start, I went to his office to check what was up. When he finally opened the door, he said: "I was just sleeping! I stayed up late last night to check all of your papers!" Now, this guy is 67 and retiring next semester and old fashioned, to say the least. He arrived in class five minutes later, said everyone had to rewrite their papers because they all sucked, and handed out the papers.
The highest grade was a miraculous 85. The average grades were much lower, with random numbers like 65 1/4, 32.6483, 19.333333. My grade was... *drumroll* 7 1/16. Yes, that is correct, I got seven and one sixteenth, out of 100. So that is pretty much a record for me. Definitely a rewrite, which, yay, another paper :-/ I am not entirely sure what he's expecting me to write (he just marked the whole first page with a giant X), but I will do my best. Or my almost best.
3. Otherwise: (a) I have pop-tarts! Frosted strawberry, mmm. The guy who sits next to me in said Middle Ages class (and who got a 70 1/6, damn him) is a flight attendant, and got me pop-tarts from New York. (b) By next week,
purimgifts sign-us will be underway! Except don't click on the link yet, because it has yet to be edited into this year's rules nd dates, etc, but prepare to start pimping! And to sign up. You know you want to.