If you will permit some more spamming tonight --

Jan 01, 2009 03:57

Okay, it's 4 hours into 2009 and obviously there's no point in me trying to make a resolution about keeping better sleeping hours, because, well. It's four hours into 2009.

A lot of things happened this year. There's no way I'm going to remember even half of them, so I'm not even going to try. But all in all, you know, I had it pretty good. I visited Poland, and Athens, and Petra. I went skiing in the Hermon for the first time. I went to a Paul McCartney concert. I was introduced to a dozen new fandoms, including the wonderful world of DC Comics and an Israeli TV show called Srugim (okay, not precisely a fandom, but) and HBO miniseries in all their glory and sitcoms - HIMYM, 30 Rock, etc etc etc.

I started going to the beach before classes in the summer. I had fun at school. I hosted students from abroad. I fell in love with westerns. I met David Shore.

I wrote 13 fics in 9 different fandoms. I ran a ficathon -- and a gift-exchange, no less -- which, honestly, I'd never before imagined I would do, and it actually worked.

And I met LJ friends. I can't even begin to explain how amazing that was for me; I'd always figured that I might meet some of you guys in the future, but that even if I do, it'll be on your territory. To be able to meet you here - hannahrorlove, kassrachel, bironic - was a thoroughly unexpected joy, and I am so thrilled I got this chance. And I met lomedet. And I met sabrina_il, on LJ and in RL, who's become one of my closest friends here. In more than one respect, 2008 was for me the Year of LJ.

Four and a half hours in, and I don't know where 2009's going yet, but here's to even better. *raises -- um, coffee cup* Happy new year, guys. I love you all.

(And to those celebrating, s novim godom!)

me, lj ppl, holidays

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