Mar 03, 2008 03:51
Thanks to everyone who commented last night. It's been a weekend of being hooked to the news by an IV, and I have many conflicting emotions about the situation itself, about Israel's actions, musings about Hamas's possible motivations. After reading a bit more in depth, I'm trying to figure out "who started it", as much as that can be decided at all; I suppose a more accurate way of phrasing it would be "who reacted disproportionately first".
But it's late now, and I still have a paper to finish for tomorrow. The IDF, in any case, are withdrawing from Gaza, which is a relief, even though the government is "hinting" that this isn't the end, and that The Big Operation, with a capital The, is all planned out and yet to take place.
I will just remark that I always find it a bit sad and chilling how pretty the names of IDF operations are. There is apparently both poetry and irony in the souls of our generals. "Operation Rainbow", "Operation Days of Awe", "Operation First Rain", "Operation Blue Skies", "Operation Lightning Strike", "Operation First Fruit Offering", "Operation Autumn Clouds", "Operation Summer Rains", and with tonight's withdrawal, we have just concluded "Operation Hot Winter". I only wish I were as good at titling my fics as they are at teaming pretty images with war.