(no subject)

Mar 01, 2008 05:27

So I'm pretty sure I'm gonna be reinstating the "war" tag pretty soon, but none of that now. I just got back from a friend's birthday party, which was a lot of fun - I don't like going out too late at night (we got home after 4AM), but time flew by. Things of yay:

1. I wore my new shirt, which is a kind of old fashioned long, cream colored tunic, with flowers around the collar. I bought it on sale for 70 shekels last week (instead of 240), which is what made me decide to buy it even though it's not my usual style, and I love it, especially the fact that it's very flowing and comfortable, instead of tight. Might post picture of it tomorrow.

2. Realized where Kyle Chandler's eyes are familiar from! Okay, you know how Coach's eyes are narrower than usual, which makes them that much more YES I WILL USE THE WORD dreamy when he smiles, because they crinkle and oh, my heart, my heart? I knew they were familiar from somewhere, but couldn't put my finger on it. Tonight, meeting one of the guys at the party who had the exact same eyes, I realized they were familiar as a Russian facial feature. There's no such thing as "all Russians", but when I think about it, I can think of a lot of Russian guys with those same narrow eyes. For instance (and the only one I have pictures of), this guy from the army:


The eyes! Look at them! Neither of them are squinting, that's just how they are. Mmm, it was such a pleasure to see this guy smile. As was it the guy tonight. Anyone with this kind of eyes, really. (BTW that is MY floating ear in that pic! And my hair, see how it shines.)

3. We played a game, which is one of the only games I remember because I suck, but at least I remembered it, and it was a lot of fun. Here's how it goes:

Divide into 2 groups. Each person writes a couple of names of characters (real or fictional) on notes - we chose 3 each, but it doesn't matter. Notes are all mixed in a bowl (or whatever). Each player, in their turn, has a minute to take notes from the bowl, one at a time, and make his team guess the character. Each character guessed is a point to their team. There are three rounds:

I - players are allowed to describe their characters by talking, as long as they don't mention the character name.
II - players are allowed to describe their characters by using one single word.
III - players aren't allowed to describe their characters with words at all, just miming.

The game starts at round I, with turns alternating between the teams. Once you finish with all the notes you put them all back in the bowl, and with the same characters continue to round II. Same goes for round III - so all three rounds actually include the same characters. It's kinda like charades for dummies, I think, and incredibly fun (we don't play charades here; it's not really in the culture).

For the sake of any similar party I throw in the future - what party games do you know? (And enjoy, enjoy is important too.) (And preferably non-alcoholic?)
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