In which I do a public post

Mar 17, 2008 15:58

So fic Meme:

1. How about a brief introduction?
Hi! I'm Meri, which actully isn't my real name but my name can't be pronoucened in english and I like my nick name better. I dance, or trying too anyway and I'm also pretty smart. And appearently I'm intimidating when people first meet me but really I'm a kind person.

2. What got you into fanfiction (and/or adopting muses)?
Actully it was my dance buddy Sara that got me into it, she and I liked Grey's kinda equally much because none of my other friends like Grey's as much, so around march I got on and actully think I read a NCIS fic first but I'm not sure anyway I was hooked and then around  april I wrote my first stuff but I never posted it thank god, then I wrote some more things, then around june/july I somehow stumbled in on Lj and search on Addek and got
salmon_scrubs fic up and then I was hooked on Lj too.

3. What kind of fanfiction do you write?
Grey's mostly, I have written a horrible Ncis [Tate] fic also...

4. Do you write for the same pairings/characters?

Yes, Addek and oscainonly Maddison but I have a very hard time writing chapter fics for Maddison because it requires Addison to tell Mark that she loves him more then Derek and that he is the love of her life and that he is the right man for her and I have a very very hard time writing that, I think I actully dropped it out when I havewritten them.

5. What is your most popular fic and why do you think people like it so?
I have no idea ,Fairytale gone bad perhaps but it's also the longest so far, Scratch and Lonelilly also got some comments[I cross posted them] but I like to think people like FGB because it's honest, I think it is anyway. Derek doesn't deny he loves Meredith but he doesn't deny he loves Addison either. Addison wants to move on and deal with her panic attacks but is still afraid what truly letting go of Derek means. I could ramble on about this forever, so I'm gonna stop now.

6. Forget other people, what is the fanfic you've written that you're most proud of?
Fairytale gone bad because I haven't lost the insperation on it yet and I still think's it's not completley out of character and that when I read what I have written I still like it and that's unusall for me. My dance buddy Sara read and she's a MerDer fan and she liked it so, I like to think I did a good work on it.

7. Do you find writing easy? Hard? What aspects do you struggle with?
It depends, I usually see the scene in my head and then it's easy to write but I alos tend to get stuck sometime and then I have to force the parts out, I also spend time on trying to outline chapters so I have something to work on and when I have nothing to do or ride a car I try to think on the fic which make my dad crazy because I don't talk too him.

8. Write a few sentences of your favorite pairing or character.

She had been surprised when he had asked her to move into the trailer but her heart had been filled with hope and her mind flooded with images of small children hiding behind her legs she couldn’t stop.

Derek had broke Addison and made her that person, if he would do it all over again, he would fight for her back in New York but he couldn’t reverse time and he was happy with Meredith, he just hoped someone could undo the damage he had caused Addison.
Scratch[The Maddison one shot]

It still smelled like Addison though, the first time Meredith had been there since the divorce she had asked what that lovely smell was and he had shrugged is shoulders, he didn’t want to tell Meredith and he dreaded the day the smell would disappear.
Fariytale gone bad Chapter 11

9. Are there any fan fiction trends/cliches you hate?
Addex and the lack of Derek/Rose fic, I want Derek with Addison really but I would do anything for not havning him with Meredith. The only Addex I can read is
sweetnarcosis when Addek have a baby and Addison is with Alex and Derek is with Meredith [The situation is scary alike me and my parents kinda]

10. Are you guilty of any of the trends you hate?

11. What was the first fandom you wrote for? Do you still write for it?
I think I wrote for NCIS first actully but I wrote Grey's that day after and No, I dont' write NCIS anymore

12. Name your OTPs and explain what it is about them you love to write.
Addison/Derek: It's the chemestry and you can see on them that they share true love[which is the best way to desricbe even if I don't believe in true love] and that we know so little about them I think, we have seen about a half year of their 15 year ~ realtionship.

Mark/Addison: They have sex chemestry but I also think that Mark loves Addison in a way that he would give her up for the sake of her happiness and they also had enourmous potential in the show, I could say so much more about them

13. What would you call your writing style?
Typing words ?

14. Do you read other people's fanfiction? If so, what do you find yourself reading the most?
Yes, Addek or Addison-centric but I usually have either a Maddison period or Addek period, then I mostly read just that with some exceptions.

15. Name one thing you'd love to write but have been too afraid or too shy to do.
I dunno, but I don't like writing smut. I can do that deep kisses but I have to struggle to write the smut, but i do it because they need to have sex and just write that they had sex make me feel like such a prude.

16. Do you feel uncomfortable taking criticism? Or worse, do you have the dreaded bloated ego?
Sometimes, if it's in the right way not like "that,that,that and that is wrong do like this instead" but I can take if someone give me pointers on something so I can think about it next time, I won't change stuff in already posted stuff though. [Even if I'm considering re-write Dirty Love affair]

17. When you write, is there anything that helps?
Music and that I'm alone but I don't have to be alone, ohh and Juju helps sometime.

18. What inspires you?
Song inspire to one shots but usally it just pop into my head.

19. Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and you as a writer?
I'm a better writer and I'm better on english and I can write stories that isn't fanfic too. Fanfic made me get Lj which had given me wonderful friends and fanfic had opened a whole new world to me. I had no idea about the fan world before.

20. Tag some friends, because they'll hate you for it.
and the rest that writes :)


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