Title: truth does not demand belief
# of chapters: xx
Word Count: xx
Pairing: ChanHun | KaiSoo | KrisXing | TaoBaek | SuChen | XiuHan | KaiLu | OT12
Bands: EXO (main)
Rating: PG
Warning: xx
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters. All terms, champion names and lores goes to Riot.
Prompt: League of Legends AU
PDF Download Link: xx
Summary: "In our eternal forward march, only the strong can survive."
A/N: cross-posted on
AFF What is League of Legends? Click to view
Map of Valoran
Summoner's RIft
Names, places etc that were derived from the game are hyperlinked - just click on the word if you want further information.
This is my first time trying this type of genre so please do bear with me. This will also take a lot of research and reading so updates might be extremely slow.
I'm still unsure if I'm going to keep writing this fic since it's too much of a load and I still have other on going fics to work on, so everything will definitely depend on how you, the readers, will respond so please do comment.