Dec 30, 2005 11:05


I am me damnit and no one is gonna change that fact.

-my nick name in high school was Irish Red Neck
y? cause I have a foul temper and always wore jeans to work and never carried a purse instead wore a wallet on a chain

-I drive a beater
I have gettho five procetion on that thing I love it but hate it at the same time shes mine!

-You know ne one who would go downtown to 16th street mall at like 2 in the morning when theres nuffing to do and still have fun?
I can! take it from the girl who has been seen carrying around her sandels in her hands and singing at the top of her lungs and cant carry a tune and didnt care the ppl are watching

-I live my life by the motto if your hart anit pounding YOU ANIT living!

-I feel safer in a guys arms then in his bed
nuff said... I rather cuddle then fuck....theres more to life then fucking!

-I love cars damnit! I may not know everything BUT DAMNIT i love cars...yea i know scary a chick who actully likes cars AND LOVES TO TALK BOUT CARS TO!! hell I learend to drive on a 96 dodge ram and taught myself how to drive a stick! And better I never burnt a clutch or droped a tranny and maybe stalled a car three times!

-I am loud in your face and tell it like it is....rarley you ever see me other wise
I am a chatter box my other nick name is MOUTH

- I love horses to! I have been riding for 12 years and used to show then got sick of showing and just ride for fun now!

-lil known fact even though I fight with my family and cant stand being around them and what not I still love them...they're the only family i got

- I love art, books, movies ( am a movie whore) military, guns (wanna learn how to shoot) motercyles (n e one willing to show me how to ride one i am tired of being a back seat monkey)

-come off as a blond and a clutz but get to know me...watch me....you'll see there more to me then I let on

-I am a hella stong stong pillar in my friends lives...I will give you the shirt off my back to help you out...many a time i have given away my last penny when i needed it to a friend when they needed it more

-I am always hanging out with the guys
Sorry ladies but I have grown extreamly tired of all the drama and back stabbing and lying and all that...Sides i like guys they hide nuffing at all and tell it like it is.

-I am random and love it.

- I love cookies...lol yea i know i weird

- I love acting like a lil kid at times but i can act mature to
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