Oct 30, 2005 14:45
So ok its like Owch this morning I feel down the steps on my way up stairs from the basement...to damned tired and sliped on a step....then I was ironing my works shirts (even though it pretty much pointless since i work in a bakery and no one works in that place with out getting stianed) and mum had positioned the irons base (its a cordless iron) to close to the edge and i was told to not move it.... so yea not my fucking ankle is burned/ burised cause of her.... She started throwing the ball for ALL THREE of our dogs and one of them pulled the iron down and i ended up like i said getting burned/ brused. Shes been hounding my fucking @$$. SO not happy I cant wait till the 29th though....Mums leaveing town...GOOD! Hopefully i will be able to get some peace and quite around the damned house and maybe actully come outta my room in the basement and actully be a memeber of the family!!! Still kinda heated over the fact from when i was on base a few nights ago a guy threw a beer can at my friend (a chick) then almost got his ass beat. All night long he going on and on over the fact how chicks dont like him. I thought he was cool till he dumped beer over over me then tried to lick it up and kept coming onto me to strongly. Before he threw the can of beer he was sitting next to my friend on one side of her with her boyfriend on the other side all she saw was outta no where her boy waling on the guy. What she didnt see was the guy try to do the yawn/ strech/ and grope. LOL that was fun to see cause he boyee is usally pretty quiet and calm. **note to self, STOP PISSING RYAN OFF** then later that night i was talking to my friend and this outher guy on base (who i kinda like but know i shouldnt cause ....just cause ....we'll leave it at that) and so my friend I told her to just steight up sock me she had to do it like seven times so i could clear my head...I am sorry jenn sweets...I usally wear rings and chain mail braclets and she kept catching her slef on them and cutting her fingers open...again sorry jenn. But yea, I am destined to havea horrid birthday this year. AGAIN. my boss told me i have to work even though i requested it off... Sorry but hell NO i refuse to ever work on my birthday. Sorry.