Jan 23, 2010 01:01
Farewell Conan O'Brien... but getting 48 million to tell NBC and Jay Leno to fuck off and stick to your guns isn't such a bad deal.
It's sad that NBC never really gave Conan a shot at making the Tonite Show His and continued to kiss that no-talent, unfunny hack Jay Leno's ass.
What did he buy everyone at NBC a vintage car or something? For someone who was never funny to begin with (I have seen his early standup... sad and pathetic are two words that spring to mind), he has made a career of bribing and kissing the right peoples asses and screwing over anyone he can to get ahead. Obviously it worked, but as the dismal ratings show, and the media backlash demonstrates, once out of that protective blanket of the tonight show, without the nostalgia factor, and without an annoying wise-ass like Letterman to drive the older folks to change the channel (or keep them from changing the channel after the news is over with), Leno fell flat on his face and wants to blame everyone but his own unfunny ass.
Granted, I only watched Conan's Tonight show a couple times, but that was still more often than I watched Leno's. I used to love Late Night with Conan O'Brien, but what works for Late Night, doesn't necessarily work for the "Just got done watching the news" older folk crowd.
Will Conan be back on Late night tv? Or will he just take the money and retire from talk shows and spend his time writing and making his own projects? Guess we will find out after September when his agreement with NBC runs out.
Personally, I think he should just take the money and do his own projects and tell Network tv to kiss his Irish red-headed ass.
To NBC, you wanted Leno... well here, have the smegger.