Nov 05, 2008 07:34
Well, history was made last night as Barack Obama was elected as the first multi-racial president of the United States.
I have mixed thoughts on this... on one hand Obama is by FAR a better person to run the country than McCain. He is more intelligent, charismatic, and much a much cooler, calmer person than McCain is. And though he is inexperienced and hasn't been in politics long, I actually view this as a good thing.
On the other hand, I just hope that Obama doesn't do a Blagojevitch. I just have this sense of dread that what happened to Illinois will happen to the rest of the country. In Illinois, we had an evil, destructive, utterly corrupt republican governor in George Ryan. Along comes this young, charismatic democrat in the form of Rod Blagojevitch, the son of immigrants and a fairly new face on the political landscape. He promised to change things, go against the status quo, and fix the things that were done while Ryan was in office, only to be one of the most corrupt and destructive governors we have had. I can see the potential for the Obama administration to wind up like this, especially given that they (Obama and Blagojevitch) are from the same Chicago Democratic "clique" to a degree.
I guess the bottom line is that while I am afraid that Obama will not follow through on his promises and have a crooked, corrupt administration... I KNOW McCheney and Alaskian Bush would have been corrupt, self-serving, and destructive for the country and for Americas image on the world stage.
Obama at the very least has made history, and will be a much better person to heal and repair our relationships with many other countries. Whether or not he can repair the damage caused by the Bush administration and use his considerable charm and charisma to alter the status quo in congress and actually get some good changes made for this country remains to be seen.
Still it is a time of celebration, for the fact that history has been made, a nation has some hope after 8 years of darkness, and that all of this election crap is over for a while.
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