Getting ready to go.

Jul 19, 2008 16:32

Going to go down to my friend Joe and Karens place tonight for a little birthday party that they are throwing for Joe and Mike (there birthdays were last week and this week).
So that should be a lot of fun.

My mom and dad left this morning to take my nephew Tanner back up home. The bridge across Burlington reopened today, so they should be able to make it without taking any detours.

Was in kind of a bad mood yesterday, went and got my paycheck from Bergners and it was only half of what I was expecting it to be. Turns out the timeclock didn't register when I clocked out when I was covering for the Dock Manager while he was on vacation. So I had to fill out some paperwork and it will be added to my next paycheck in two weeks grrrr.

I still have enough for my trip up to Chicago, so I'm not too worried, but it is still kind of aggravating. Oh well, at least my DORS check came in right on time and that was the important one.

Other than that, not a whole lot happening. City of Heroes is having a double XP weekend, so I spent most of last night and this morning playing that. Probably play it a ton tomorrow too. Super Goblin has already went from level 45 to level 48. I am hoping to get him to 50 by the end of the weekend and maybe level up a couple other of my characters.

Well, I am off to take a shower and get ready here. Hope everyone is having a happy and safem weekend.

updates, work, friends

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