Random thought and video time!

Oct 04, 2007 22:48

Ya know... a while back, my friend Bryan, whom is obsessed to a degree with the cartoon "The Venture Bros", introduced me to the cartoon and even though I immediatly loved it and all its over the top action and humor, I noticed something VERY familiar about one of the main characters named Brock Sampson
(cut for cartoony violence and a video montage of the Venture Brothers)

Brock Sampson looks (and acts) like one of my favorite wrestlers of all time... Sid Vicious from the NWA, WCW, and WWF days. Needless to say this amused me greatly and just added to my enjoyment of the show. To Illustrate my point here is a video compilation of some of the more over the top violent moments from the Venture brothers followed by an over the top violent WWF wrestling match where Sid destroys two Ham and eggers. See the resemblence?

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Sid vs 2 hamneggers

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Now, I used to be a fan of pro-wrestling a while back, but here lately, the acting, plots, and performers have been rather lame for the most part. There are a couple of good plots and performances, but for the most part, it insults my intelligence.

One of the main wrestlers in the biz nowadays is Triple H. Now, while I don't really like the guy on a personal level, and I'm not talking about his character, I mean the actual man Paul Levasque who plays the character I kind of dislike. Marrying the boss's daughter, using underhanded tricks and clout to get his way all the time, and generally being a baby about things makes me dislike him to a degree. But back before he knocked up Stephanie McMahon and became the father of Mr. McMahons grandchild, he actually did have to "job" (intentionally lose matches to promote other wrestlers)to a degree. Here is a rare video of Triple H getting PWND! by aformentioned Sid Vicious (Hell Hunter doesn't even get a single PUNCH IN!!).

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Now, that being said, I have to admit... even though I don't like the guy. I do respect Triple H's talent, style, and ability. He is a gifted athelete, talented performer, and actually has a real talent for comedy (some of his DX moments and exchanges with McMahon have been comedic gold). I also like his taste in music. Using the band Motorhead to write his theme music. Both "The Game" and "King of Kings" are pretty awesome rock songs and are good enough to listen to on their own. And if they ever decided to make another Conan movie, I think Triple H would be perfect for the role since he kinda looks like a combination of Conan and Boromir from Lord of the Rings (it's the nose).

Apparently, someone agrees with me judging from the entrance below. Love him or hate him, ya gotta love the style he has. Hell if I had that kind of clout and freedom, I would definitly do something like that for my entrance if I was a wrestler.

King of Kings

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Oh well, enough cartoony violence and musings about musclebound stuntmen.I am off to bed
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