Player Name: Zs1
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overmanzs1AIM Contact: overmanzs1
Character Name: Hixar Fermi
Source Canon: Mobile Suit Gundam 00F
Community Tag: Hixar Fermi.
Notes: GN Drive count: Presently there are 5 GN Drives; 4 in use by Celestial Being, and the 5th belonging to 0 Gundam. Fereshte is currently in possession of that 5th.
Most of 00F's plot occurs after season 1 while the Meisters are scattered. Thanks to this, Fereshte gets a 2nd GN Drive to use, installs it in the GNY-002 Sadalsuud. Hixar steals this and keeps it for the remainder of the manga.
But most of the manga plot is being thrown out in favor of supporting our current 00 cast.
Remaining as the Eyes of Veda, Hixar is being assigned, by Veda, to support Fereshte, whom in turn is being assigned to "resume" assisting CB and the White Chalice. In accordance with Fereshte's m.o., the Sadalsuud will stay in masked mode, as well as wear an ABC cloak in order to momentarily hide its GN Drive from the CB members on board.
Background: Personality: There was a point where Hixar used to be the number one jokester among Meisters (in any group: CB, Fereshte and Krung Thep) But a combination of losing his friend-slash-co-pilot, Grave, and "dying", knocked him some distance away from his jovial tendencies. As well, Veda activated him as an intelligence Innovade, so, there's hardly any time for jokes anymore.
Having been recalled/reborn/awakened by Veda didn't necessarily make him some boring drone. As an Intelligence Innovade, he remains cheerful and outgoing. Hixar is always smiling with other people and getting to know them. After all, the more Veda knows about the people on the Chalice, the better.
Hixar has zero problem standing out in a crowd. He even feels he's better for it. With a smile on his face and a rather... exuberant style of dress it's easy to draw attention. It's easier to be found when you stand out, and easier to find others when someone remembers the flashy guy was looking for you.
Hixar is forced to face some of the things that have caused him to become a different person since being converted to an Innovade. Not only does he get Innovade clones of his old allies, but the fact that he is an Innovade without ever knowing. To these, he keeps a shocking cool about him. In most any harrowing situation he doesn't loose face but for a few seconds of initial surprise.
It takes him a rather short time to cope with learning he's an Innovade; respond that he's himself, Innovade or not. Afterword, he's more like his old, joking self, and lightens up significantly. But still being connected to Veda, it's like a little switch now, knowing when he can have fun and joke, then turn around and conduct Meister business.
On Hayana/Red Haro: In a word, Hayana is a bitch... to anyone who isn't Hixar. She'll actively insult anyone when given an apropriate opening, and is highly aggressive towards other Haro's. If she had a physical body (as per canon) she would make an active effort to
Capabilities and Resources: Hixar is an Innovade, (i.e. the glowing eyes), but particularly, unlike the Innovades we see on screen, he's an Intelligence-gathering type. Thiss means that he can go his entirely life not knowing he's an Innovade, until he's recalled, simply interacting with society to observe on Veda's behalf.
He also has a sidekick, Hayana, whom acts as his portable Veda terminal. Breaking canon, Hayana will not be a person/hologram, but a red kitty-Haro, much like her counterpart, Hanaya. In this, she can not only target and co-pilot a Gundam like Lockon's Haro, but it could realistically control a Gundam remotely. (Much like the Trial system, but I don't see myself abusing this...)
Robot Name: GNY-002F Gundam Sadalsuud type-F
(I guess F stands for Fereshte?)
Robot Description: If you know anything about the Gundam Dynames, then you know about 33% of the Sadalsuud already. The mech it self was a development basis for the Dynames and is statically similar. But it's concept is where the similarities end.
The Type F has better combat capabilities than it's predecessor. It's also completely blue; this means it's clearly superior in all facets. Mountd on it's shoulders is a shielding system, similar to the Dynames's shoulder plating, but much smaller. While less armored, it's got a much larger number of sensors mounted over it's body; chest, legs, shoulders, hip, and head.
As per anything named -"gundam" in the 00-verse, Sadalsuud is equipped with a GN Drive, and comes with all the perks: communication blocking, unlimited powah, and even TRANS-AM! This is the 5th GN Drive (or in actual canon case, Kyrios's drive after the end of S1). In addition to the GN-Drive's bonuses, Sadalsuud has optical cammoflauge; unless you're looking for it with your eyes, it's invisible to radar and all; you'll just have to find the distortion in the area where the light bends weird. Because the Fereshte Gundams are typically a testbed for the CB units, Sadalsuud also has the ability to generate a GN field, however, hardly at the scale of Virtue or Seravee. The size of it's GN Field is only about 3 times the size of it's hands, but with Hixar's amazing skill, he can put this to damn good use; either parrying a physical attack, or blocking a ranged that he can see coming. It's last unique 'feature' is it's "Masked Mode". All this is, is a sliding face place that makes the machine look less like a Gundam. The V-fin also folds/curls back into the head, hiding that little bit of identification. Ideally, the combination of this and an ABC Cloak should, at least temporarily, hide it's Gundam identity from the CB cast for a while. At least a couple of months!
Weapons! Everyone likes those! Sadalsuud actually differs greatly from it's successor here, with the exception of ONE weapon; the GN Sniper Rifle. This is actually the same type of gun used by the Dynames. It has a pair of beam sabers located on the back of the hip places, and it's primary is the Revolve Bazooka. It's a bazooka, with a revolving chamber, which allows for the easy loading of various types of rounds. I'll be using the standard slug/solid rounds, fragmentation rounds, incendiary, and armor-piercing shells. If we can suspend disbelief, acid as well, because I get a Resident Evil vibe from this assortment!
Terrain Stats:
Land: A
Air: A
Sea: B
Space: A
Job: Fereshte Gundam Meister. Veda's eyes on Earth.
Suggested Event List: Hixar's intro: Chall Acustica will privately contact the Chalice/Dan and inform them that a new Gundam unit will be meeting them at (insert mission location) and will join them following his assistance with their operation. All this is is "Hixar joins during any given mission", no baddies, no news, just, "Here, have a new Gundam guy!"
To be perfectly honest, it's so huge that I've got a totally separate entry for it right here: Sample Post: