Title: Out of the fire...
Author: Nicke
Pairings: Rodney McKay/Carson Beckett, Rodney McKay/John Sheppard, Rodney McKay/Carson Beckett/John Sheppard
Kink: let's see... aliens made them do it, gay marriage, masturbation, b/D (mild), threesome. Did I mention masturbation?
Categories: kink, slash, ft, er
Rating: NC-17
Teaser: "Oh, of course, you're not lusting for me, John," Rodney says, drawling his name. "Your interest in me is mere scientific curiosity then, I suppose?"
Word count: ~ 5200
lover100 # 093 - gasp
Disclaimer: The smut is mine, the boys are MGM's. *sigh*
A/N: Thank you,
mice1900 for
the additional prompt "offworld" and for the quick beta. I also would like to thank
wliberation and
tdancinghands for having a look at it and with giving me a third oppinion encouraging me to finally get this done!
inkscribe ♥ - see, I can do McShep. *whistles innocently*
It started with Rodney McKay trying to be corteous and picking up a scarf the chieftain's daughter dropped. From there things went downhill for John Sheppard.