Merlin episode 4x7

Nov 13, 2011 13:08

This is an episode I need to watch again to really figure out how I feel about it but here are my first impressions:

Things wot I didn't like:

- The plotholes, broken story-arcs and inconsistencies are bugging me more than before for some reason. I try to not let them get to me and spoil my fun, but damn, it's like the writers have forgotten whole chunks of what they've written before. My theory is that it's extra annoying because some scenes and arcs are really damn good! It's like I have less patience with the flaws when they're throwing me out of something that's otherwise awesome.

- The whole talk, talk, talk 'face-off' between Morgana and Merlin. It's so cliche for a villain to waste time yapping about the various ways in which they are going to kill their victim and then not succeeding.

- Couldn't someone tell that druid guy to pick an accent and stick with it?!

Things wot I loved:

- Thoughtful, troubled and merciful Arthur.

- Merlin ever more speaking freely to Arthur and Arthur listening or just telling him in a calm manner that this is enough.

- Gwen being a friend to Merlin.

- The return of Gwaine; and what a return! Looking for fun but immediately ready to help a friend in need. Love him paying attention, listening closely, being resourceful and clever and displaying a healthy dose of doubt about what Agravaine was up to. Not giving in easily either.

- A little taste of what Merlin is to become.

- That talk between Arthur and Gaius, delivered beautifully by both of them. Also, I don't often actually react out loud during an episode, but when Gaius filled Arthur in on how Dragoon had had nothing but the best intentions etc. I exclaimed the Dutch equivalent of 'fucking finally!!' out loud.

merlin episode review, merlin, fandom experience

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