Results of
this meme.
kiltsandlollies wanted 'Books books books! :D Or your favourite room of your house. \o/'
Since I don't really have a favorite room I went for my favorite books books books. I wish I could be more sophisticated about who is my favorite author, but it can't be helped.
magog_83 wanted 'The place where you do fandom (that's if you have a specific desk or room etc) :)'
And yes, I do have a place where I do fandom. Two actually:
1. My desk. If you spot something you'd like to know more about then do let me know. One thing I'd like to point out because it made me laugh when I saw the picture; see those blue books on the little shelve under the cupboards? Those are my dictionaries. The second from the right is the English/Dutch one and looks quite worn (it used to look as nice shiny blue as the two on the left). The one most right is my Dutch/English dictionary; I've used it to the point that it's cover is worn off.
2. My chair. This is where I read books, listen to music and watch tv (which the chair is facing). Gerrit likes to think it's his chair though.
rubynye wanted: 'Your favorite shirt?'
I thought that was a tough one, as I mostly wear sweaters and vests, but then I remembered my summer gear and I definitely have a favorite shirt there. It's incredibly soft and comfortable :D
snowy_yuki wanted: 'your home from front side !??! XDDD'
The door you can see best leads to our storage/laundry room. The front door is 'hidden' under the balcony. The window to the right is the kitchen window. On the first floor you can see Mr. RC's workspace.
scribblemoose wanted: 'Your cat! He seems such a laid-back dude, I'd like to see more of him. :)'
Well, you're getting him laid-back all right, because he wouldn't move all morning. Could barely get him to lift his head after calling him a couple of times. This is as active as I could get him:
kohaku1977 wanted: 'Your favorite souvenir (can really be anything and doesn't have to be anything touristy)!'
That was easy, my Rock Werchter 2003 program:
And this is why:
siptah57 wanted: 'The view through you favorite window.'
The middle bit of the window sill is kept free so Gerrit can lie there spread out when the sun is shining and keep guard so other cats keep out of our garden.
princealia wanted: 'The oldest thing in your house'
I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's this tea-set. It was an engagement present for my grandparents from my mother's side. The other 10 (!) cup and saucers that go with it are in a cupboard in the kitchen, but I actually use the teapot regularly.
sallyna_smile wanted: 'An object you like of your favourite color :)'
My favorite color is orange and I couldn't find something I like in that color, until I remembered my summer jacket, which I should have thrown away long ago as it looks so worn, but I can't bring myself.
kaizet wanted: 'your favorite tea/coffee-cup'
My tea-cup to the left and my coffee-cup to the right :D
riverglow_bc wanted: 'Your garden, if you have one'
And I have one, although it's looking a bit bare now and it was raining this morning.
shyfan1 wanted: 'definitely has to be about your books. Maybe you could list your top 5 faves and photograph them in order of importance with a little caption that says why it gets a placing (or is that me being a little too geeky there?)'
That turned out to be too difficult for me! And there are pictures of books by my two favorite writers elsewhere in this meme. So instead I took the 4 plays I have that Colin has been in and put them in chronological order. Hopefully that works too?
Anonymous wanted: 'Books, please, again! I'd love to see the books you would always find bookshelf space for.' and 'Your typical breakfast'
Most definitely the books by Tonke Dragt need to be on my bookshelf. She writes fantasy and science fiction for children and adolescents and I wish I had words to express just how much her books have meant for me and how much I still love reading them. I grew up with them, when I read her books I feel like I'm inside them and incidentally her Piak and Tiuri are my first slash pairing even before I knew what slash was. <3
I already had my breakfast when I started making pictures, so I made a picture of the ingredients of my typical breakfast: Actimel to wake up my taste buds, tea, two slices of whole grain bread and a slice of cheese.