Fic Rec: Rescue

Jan 06, 2012 20:09

Title: Rescue
Author: tigs
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humour, Drama
Warnings: None
Spoilers/Stage Set: Late Season 3
Characters Other Than Rodney: John, Teyla, Ronon and OCs.

Additional Notes: Author also writes non-Gen.

Summary: And if this were a joke, Rodney thought, it would have been this one: So. A guy walks into a bar and says ouch.

Why recced: This is a lot of fun and shows Rodney trying to access his inner-badass and save the team/the day!

Quote: This was the equivalent of a science geek walking into a biker bar and asking for, well, anything really. Anything up to and including getting out of this whole situation alive.

Rescue on Live Journal

character: john sheppard, genre: humour, creator: tigs, character: team (with ronon), genre: drama, character: ronon dex, content: fic, character: teyla emmagan

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