Quite Possibly The Story of Rodney's LifeAuthor:
sheafrotherdonRating: R
Genre: Humour, Friendship, Crack
Warnings: The F & S word.
Spoilers/Stage Set: Season 2 or 3.
Characters Other Than Rodney: John, Teyla, Ronon and OC civilisation.
Additional Notes: Author also writes non-Gen.
Summary: "Well, that's just great," Rodney says to none of them in particular, to all of them, because what, does he look like someone who should be in charge of caring for anything other than a small, personal nuclear weapon or a ZPM?
Why recced: Poor Rodney is so completely and hilariously horrified when he finds himself looking after 3 sick team mates! He then goes on to get on with it, proving that in fic, just like in life, no act shows caring better than dealing with someone when they might just throw up all over you!
Funny with warm and fuzzy on top!
Quite Possibly The Story of Rodney's Life