First off, let me just say that this comm is a work in progress. Situations may occur that we have not envisaged and rules may need to change or be added so that things run smoothly - this is normal, especially for a comm as new as this one, so please bear with us!
Secondly, I have altered the gen description on the
Profile page as follows:
Gen: Usually this means no romance or sexual situations should appear in the fic, art, vid, meta etc. However, most gen readers don't mind if canon-established relationships are referenced briefly, so long as they are not the focus of the fic, art, vid, meta etc (please label any such pairings).
That said, if the fanwork contains a lot of sexual language or exploration of the human sexual organs - even if there is no actual sexual act - this is probably not the place for it either. Feel free to PM me before posting if you are unsure.
I hope this makes things a little clearer, as we feel that fanworks containing a lot of sexual language/reference to sexual organs is not really within the spirit of gen.
Thirdly, please, please, please PM me if you come across something you feel should not be on this comm! I cannot always guarantee to have seen comments about issues with posts - I need you to let me know about them so that I can sort things out!
Also, I would much prefer people to contact me rather than leave a comment on the post itself. That way I can be sure that it is dealt with in a diplomatic manner and not in a way that may cause upset - not that I don't trust you guys, but it's easy to have a knee-jerk reaction and comment in a way that can cause problems!
And finally (yay!), please can you take another look at the suggested warnings list on the
Rules and Info post if you have not done so recently, as it has altered since the post was first made.
Thank you for your continued support, and sorry about all the admin notes and rules/profile alterations!