Hello Again

Apr 03, 2008 22:32

I really am sorry that I never ever post in this thing anymore.

I really have just kinda fallen off the face of the Earth this semester, not in a bad way, just in a busy way. It just feels like this last semester, I've been tied up in red tape, doing work for classes that I don't care about, which have nothing to do with my major concentration. I feel like I've never worked harder, and yet I've never gotten less done... I don't care about any of it though, I'm just dealing with the same shit everyone else has to deal with at some point to graduate... Oh well.

Lately I've been feeling so damn nostalgiac though. It seems like after finding out I got into grad school, I was happy for 2 days... and I've been bummed out ever since. That's cause I've been realizing that I'm gonna be going down there alone. All the friends I've made here are going off on their own paths, doing their own things, which all of us have to do at some point... That makes leaving them and saying goodbye no less painful.

Everyday, I think about the loading dock at the Art Studio. This is the place where I walk up to, and can almost always expect to see one, or all of my friends there, just chillin. I know when I go down to New Orleans, I'm gonna find a new loading dock with new people to talk with, yet, this spot has become such an important place in my life, to leave it, just leaves me with an empty feeling... I'm gonna miss this place, and everyone I know here dearly.

I'm not sad, or depressed or anything, cause I knew from day one that this was gonna happen. All of us leave at some point and start on something else in our lives, and I accepted that a long time ago. It's one of those things where you just have to bite the bullet and understand that it happens.

I'm excited about my future, even though I still don't know what it is or is gonna involve. That's why I always stay optimistic though, cause there's always potential for something to come along; some type of opportunity; some person or people, which is only gonna push you forward. In this case I had an opportunity dumped in my lap, and I'm taking it, but I understand that I'm leaving a hell of alot behind in the process, which is something we all have to do at some point.

I'm not worried about anything, cause I know anything can happen good or bad... I'm just gonna miss this place is all.

I'll get back to this thing soon enough. Later.
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