Dec 14, 2007 20:34
Whelp, my semester has ended.
Got A's in both my photo classes, a B+ in painting. A C in Art History (I didn't care much about that class though,) and will prally get a D in geology, (I didn't care AT ALL about that fucking class.) So at the end of the day, in a semester in which I struggled to find the motivation to get any work done, it all ended up ok.
There's not much to say about the past four months. I pretty much settled into a constant routine of wake up ---> Go to the studio ---> Work till about 8 or 9pm ---> Go to the bar ---> Come back to my apartment at 2am and fall asleep. Needless to say, I am very content with this routine.
The work I produced this semester was excellent as far as photo is concerened, but in painting, it didn't quite stand up to what I did last year, but again, I wasn't as motivated this time around, and I don't know why. I kinda think it's more of a seasonal thing. I always tend towards photo in the fall, and painting in the spring. and it's always been like that too. So hopefully in the spring, my painting will wake back up, (even though I'm not taking a painting class, thank you very much "General Art Electives.")
These past three weeks though, I came very close to a nervous breakdown. I was so hellishly swamped with work, that I barely had time to think, but then the money problems started to snowball into a shit avalanche.
First I overdrew my account by $10, so that's one $25 overdraft fee. Then my rent check bounced, which is a $25 returned check fee, as well as a $35 late fee from my apartments. Sarah helped me out alot by sending a check for $40, but I still had to sell one of my cameras to cover the rent, and that returned me to the level of flat broke, at which point I had to call and beg Dad for gas money to get home. Hell, I had to ride my bike around Harrisonburg on Wednesday because I had no gas. I mean, work is one thing, but once the money issues come into play... Well.... Needless to say I am strung out razor thin right now.
But that's all over and done with. Sarah comes back from Seattle in a week, which will be awesome. I'm gonna work a little over break, so I should have a good deal of money when I return to Harrisonburg. I'm gonna send away applications to five grad schools over break, and I'm confident I'll get in somewhere good. My birthday is the second day of next semester, which means the party begins immediately for my last semester at JMU.
AND... I got that show at Mason on January the 21st! Even better though, is that it's basically me and my best friends involved. Brady and Tyler are in on it, my friend Tim (who's an awesome printmaker,) is in on it, and a really cool girl named Sarah who does really great installation works are all involved. This is basically me and my friends driving up and taking over another school's gallery, which is an awesome prospect. If you're reading this, you're invited to the opening.
I'm basically gonna lay back, quietly work for these next three weeks, and prepare myself for what shall be the best four months of my life to come. I'm looking forward to this next semester.
Also, I've been listening to Spiritualized nonstop recently! Everyone should go out and get their album "Ladies and Gentlemen We Are Floating in Space," it is great stuff.
Also, anyone wanna go museam'ing with me over break, Lemme know!
Also, I have to, Have to, HAVE TO, see "There Will Be Blood," when it comes out in theaters, if you wanna go, lemme know.
Also, that's it. Catch ya guys later.