Title - 'the Golden Boy'.
and now we learn why John calls his dog 36. pretty good reason.
also a very good explanation of Omar's name as well.
(I'm a little puzzled by the tombstone, though...did John re-name himself again, or did his wife re-marry at some point?)
I suspect that he lives by a policy of "you are the One, just not The One"...if that makes any sense.
this episode reaffirms my faith that John/Eva is an OTP! (and I never really had an OTP before)
(I'm trying to get a screenshot of that scene with the two of them at the top of the school stairs)
though the show is suggesting that, unlike the Highlander Immortals, John is like the immortals of Poul Anderson's Boat of a Million Years, which is an excellent book.
...speaking of which, that was a nice reference Corey gave. :)
and, a bonus, we learn his original name - Johann van der Zee.
"This is me, hanging up." One day, Dani Reese might break down and say that to Crews too. ;)