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elliesmeow March 19 2008, 04:15:49 UTC
Sweet! I love all the ambiguous possibilities.



rodlox March 19 2008, 04:54:31 UTC
*is pleased you like*

wait - "ambiguous"?


elliesmeow March 19 2008, 23:18:09 UTC
You heard me. Ambiguous!:P



rodlox March 19 2008, 23:35:39 UTC
if I may ask, how/where is it ambiguous?

I'm not cross - I'm just curious.


elliesmeow March 20 2008, 01:23:22 UTC
It's not so much a specific thing though if you'd like I'll point out an example.;) It's more a way of life for him. And I was trying to point out that you captured that perfectly in this fic. That it could go so many ways.

With his Zen reasoning he's constantly questioning the way things are usually interpreted and putting another meaning to them. Making them more flexible and figuring out why certain things are truths to some and lies to others.

Like the way people hardly ever see themselves as the villain of the piece. No matter what wrong they've done. They try and make their actions or words mean something other than what would require them to take blame or make restitution. Ya know?



rodlox March 20 2008, 02:07:33 UTC
It's not so much a specific thing though if you'd like I'll point out an example.;) It's more a way of life for him. And I was trying to point out that you captured that perfectly in this fic. That it could go so many ways.

With his Zen reasoning he's constantly questioning the way things are usually interpreted and putting another meaning to them. Making them more flexible and figuring out why certain things are truths to some and lies to others.

Like the way people hardly ever see themselves as the villain of the piece. No matter what wrong they've done. They try and make their actions or words mean something other than what would require them to take blame or make restitution. Ya know?


this isn't facetious: now it makes sense.
and by "it" I mean both your initial reply, and the ficlet itself...I thought at the time that my muses were just toying with me, telling me a middling story. but you're right - it makes perfect sense.

thank you!


elliesmeow March 20 2008, 02:19:15 UTC
Wow. I'm honored. I thought you were messing with me by asking. I thought that's what you meant to do in the first place. I feel like kind of a dork for over thinking things.*blushes*

But hey, on the bright side your muse wasn't jerking you around. It just wanted to invite you to play in a place that is full of possibilities, and there's no place more full of that than the mind of Det.Crews.



rodlox March 20 2008, 02:29:07 UTC
in hindsight, I can see that your thought (of what I meant) was entirely reasonable. thank you for humoring me & explaining.
I'm sorry.

actually, it was Dani who told it to me.


elliesmeow March 20 2008, 03:35:40 UTC
Hey you have nothing to apologize for. I just thought you were joking around and I don't mind clarifying my statements when needed.

Maybe I'm just tired but I don't understand the second part of your reply. Big fat..huh?LOL



rodlox March 20 2008, 04:04:09 UTC
apologizing is a habit for me.

it wasn't Crews who told me that story - it was Dani.


elliesmeow March 20 2008, 05:06:46 UTC
I wonder why you feel responsible then.*hugs*

As for who told you the story..ahh. The idea of ambiguous possibilities still applies then, but from another perspective.;)



rodlox March 20 2008, 05:17:15 UTC
simple: because of a misunderstanding on my part, you drew the wrong conclusion.

gracias. though Dani's suddenly shut up halfway through telling me the story of the Life/Eureka crossover.

if I might ask, do you have any suggestions on how to get a muse talking again?

thank you.


elliesmeow March 20 2008, 06:32:54 UTC
I meant why you apologize frequently, you must feel more responsibility than you're due.

As for muses. Tricky. I guess it depends on the tone of the fic. Go back and watch moments from the shows that feed that feeling. Or if not possible then look at screencaps and listen to mood appropriate music. Talking to your beta also helps. It's good to bounce ideas off of people.

Good luck.



rodlox March 20 2008, 06:39:02 UTC
oh; sorry. (yet again I misunderstood you; sorry)
it's a habit dating back to my early years on the internet - rather than risk a dust-up or any dispute, if it looked like anyone was taking any of my posts the wrong way, I'd apologize and clarify my position.

thanks for the advice.

(good news - Dani started talking again...I got 207 words out of her...totally unrelated Life fic, though; its posted now)

thank you; you too.


elliesmeow March 20 2008, 23:50:22 UTC
Ahh..I understand now.LOL Isn't it funny how the simplest things are the hardest to explain?

Glad you got some more written even if it wasn't on the fic you were hoping for. That's better than I've managed lately.*sad*

You're welcome.



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