Dresden Files: "A tender Mai?"

Feb 26, 2008 01:57

I found this in my notes, and am pretty sure I haven't posted it before.

Title: A tender Mai?
Fandom: Dresden Files
Author: Keenir.
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: What about Bob? (coda to it)
Summary: Mai and Bob are seriously weirding Harry out.

Mai’s here. Morgan’s not. In fact she didn’t arrive with any of her muscle. Just little ol’ Mai.

And Bob’s spilled the beans to her, all about what my uncle Justin did, everything from giving Bob mortality to damn near killing me to the death of both Justin Morningways.

Killing a Morningway, one of the world’s most powerful wizarding family’s scions - even if it was a second death for him - should’ve had Morgan and other Wardens out here by the bucketful.

“But you’re not mortal,” Mai tells Bob in her usual way…but was there a little more? I don’t know, a hint of something?

Not anymore,” Bob confirms.

She takes a step towards him. Then another. And Mai does something I’d not’ve believed if I wasn’t here, seeing it with my own two eyes: she reached out one hand and placed hers on Bob’s. Or ‘on’ if Bob’d been flesh-and-blood. “I would’ve given you a day more mortal,” and there’s no threat there in her voice.

I feel like I’m interrupting something, like I really should go to the other room or outside or something.

When did Hrothbert of Bainbridge and Ancient Mai become an old married couple?

Bob bows his head and when he’s up again, “I made a promise, those years ago, to you.” He - you - what??

Now she bows her head… Since when does Mai bow to anyone?? Buck up. “I know,” Mai says, “You are doing swimmingly. Thank you.”

If they kiss - and I’m not saying they shouldn’t - it’d just be weird. Par for the course, I ‘spose.
The End

dresden files, dresden files fanfiction, ancient mai, bob

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