meme: lines from movies (now with clues)

Feb 23, 2008 21:47

I apologize for picking difficult ease things, here are some hints:

1. "Why do you keep asking me?"
stars M.Gross, B.Ward, and Kevin Bacon

2. "Shit, you can see me?" (Being Human - Fififolle and Fredbassett got this one)
new show on BBC3 that I've been talking about.

3. "Say 'is it?' one more time & I'll shoot you." (Life - Sapphs got this)

4. "Who's Omega, Professor?"

5. "...and I come from a long line of chiefs."
Maori tradition, in a movie

6. "I am a leaf." (Serenity - Missyvortexdv got this)

7. "I am completely out of ammo. That's never happened to me before."
no Bacon, but Helen Shaver's in this with Gross and Ward

8. "My name is Nick Middleton." (Going to Extremes - kudos to Fififolle for getting this)
the hottest, coldest, wettest, driest, sandiest places on Earth...brought to us by National Geographic Channel

9. "Is that the bitch that stole our son?" "I see you found your wife." ..."And by the way, I'm the bitch protecting him."
Lucy Liu and Antonio Banderas and a lot of explosions

10. "What'd you put in my car?" "A bomb." "Are you off your trolley!?"
before he was Hagrid, one actor starred in this (convent) movie with Eric Idle

11. "And he slashes at you with this."
first of a trilogy that teaches you how to eat hackers and lawyers

12. "Nothing so mundane. The Daleks conquered Earth in the 22nd Century." (_, Doctor Who - Missyvortexdv got most of it)

Bonus 1 "This is not the woman who raised me. This is an old person trying to get into Heaven."
the most famous member of the show 'fat albert' in a comedy performance

Bonus 2 "The 'g' is silent." "Gno it's gnot."
starring Commander Susan Ivanova (from B5), and introduces a friendly burrower


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