drabble scavenged from a dream

Feb 03, 2008 17:34

Had a dream just now, and wanted to type it out before I forgot the whole thing...at least I managed to save a drabble's worth of it.

fandom: Primeval
Title: ?
Summary: Cutter takes Abby and Stephen to task, after Connor's gone off in a (foul?) mood.
note: from what I can remember of the pictographic parts of the dream, Caroline didn't show up - Connor's friendships were dissolving themselves.

“cutter -“ stephen said

“no, no you listen fer once,” nick said. “you tell ‘im nice job when he’s done what you want - but didya say anything to him about his anomaly detector? No, and I’ll admit I didn’t either. When he showed us his species database, you dismissed it, called it odd,” used another word, though. “ya don’t really want to be his friend, but you’re happy to consider yourself a co-owner of Rex with him an’ abby.”

“yeah,” abby said, “but -“

“lookit yourselves,” nick shouted at them both. “can’t ye see what’s going on? Yuir always telling himthat you’re just mates, and that he’s a (-----). An’ so what do we end up with? By how connor sees it, “an not-really-a-friend,” meaning stephen, “who’s a co-owner of a pet with an ex-friend in the house who wants nothing to do with,” meaning connor, “is it any wonder connor takes a lorry ta go see her?” meaning caroline. “He wants nothing to do with us!”

dream, primeval, primeval fanfiction, connor, drabble

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