Meme: biggest impact on writing

Feb 02, 2008 13:09

Every meme has to start somewhere, right?

What passage from what book/author do you feel has impacted you the most, in terms of what you try to accomplish in your writing?
'If they were not truly intelligent, I hope I never live to see us tangle with anything at all like them which is intelligent. I know who will lose. Me. You. The so-called human race.'
--from page 1 of "The Puppet Masters" by Robert Heinlein.

Even though I use the movie-version of Heinlein's alien puppetmasters (the cameos by the Peace, are those aliens), I try to not only make my aliens alien, but also to show that there's a broad spectrum of intelligence...and that humans aren't at the summit of that particular mountain.
(that applies to my Enterprise fics as well as Stargate)

What animal or plant do you most want to squeeze into a story?
Not sure...maybe a platypus.

What animal or plant has shown up the most in your stories?
(humans don't count)
I think it would be a tie...between a gorgonopsid (thanks to the Tewkesbury saga), and a dodo (much to Pullo's distaste).

What book or author has most changed the way you look at a species in a fandom?
"Brother Termite" by Patricia Anthony.
(you'll never look at an Asgard the same way again - and no, its nothing like Strieber's work)

What crossover gives you nightmares just contemplating it?
Numb3rs/Torchwood - I'd be drowned in technobabble.
...or CSI:Crime Scene Investigation/Stargate SG-1 - "he was dead a minute ago."

I tag -
anyone who wants it.
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