FWD: a Numb3rs call-for-teams in a write-off

Feb 01, 2008 20:04

I know, I know, I'm not very good at describing these things.

so I'll simply quote: Welcome to February and our sixth round here at numb3rswriteoff! This round is dedicated to the pairings of Charlie/Amita and Megan/Larry.

If you’d like to play this round, comment here and tell me which team you’d like to write for, angst or schmoop. You do not have to commit to a pairing at this time.

We need at least 6 people to sign up, 3 for each team, but we’ll take more than that if we can get them! We’ll also need pinch-hitters, so you can sign up for that, instead, if you like.

Teams will be created on a first-come, first-served basis. That means, if we get 10 people who want to write for Team Schmoop and only 5 willing to write for Team Angst, and no one wants to switch over, we’ll be cutting off the teams at the first 5 people to respond for each team.

Sign-ups will be open through midnight Thursday, February 7th.

Any questions, ask them in comments here

..."here" being -> Sign Up here
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