Sarah Connor fic: "Lesser hurt" (1.01 spoiler)

Jan 30, 2008 00:00

Title: Lesser hurt.
Pairing/Characters: Sarah/Dixon.
Rating: PG-13

Summary: Sarah’s thoughts in the bedroom scene of ep1.
Word Count: 90.
Spoilers: 1.01
Disclaimer: Neither of the characters are mine. The Terminator universe is also not mine.


“I’m thinking I love you.”

I can’t take you with me.

I’d swear by God if I thought it would do any good, that I don’t want you to get hurt.
You’ll hurt some when I go, I know that. It’s unavoidable.

But it’d be a lesser hurt than you being hunted by machines programmed to assassinate anyone who gets between them and John. And that includes me…and if you came with us, it would include you.

I love you too much to subject you to that.

“Always remember that.”
The End

sarah connor chronicles fanfiction, sarah connor chronicles, ship

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