Primeval ficlet: Helen Cutter can just never win

Jan 22, 2008 22:02

Title: Helen Cutter can just never win
(say it with an exasperated tone)
Rating: PG-15.
Characters: Helen Cutter, Nick Cutter.
Spoilers: Episode 7.
Disclaimer: not mine! I own none of them.

Short Summary: Helen gives Nick a surprise gift, but its not what he wants.

Author’s notes: This plot bunny struck me just before I watched Episode 8. Sorry for not posting it sooner.

you know, before I saw this show, I never truly understood the phrase "he can't win for losing" - though it might also describe Sam Tyler.

The Paleocene Epoch, five years from now…

The great beast had cornered Nick Cutter in this canyon’s dead end. His mind blanked on the Creature’s name, despite having recalled the name just a few hours ago.

There was an unfamiliar sound, and the beast collapsed, its skull crushed, and Helen and a flat stone - a corn grinder? - fell alongside it, escaping being pinned under its weight.

I woke up this morning, rolled over, and she wasn’t there. I thought - no, I didn’t know what to think… But now, here, he had a pretty damned good idea of what to think. “Why did you do it?” Nick demanded of Helen.

“Because you didn’t leave it down the other game trail,” she replied, flexing her fingers, toes, arms and legs, feeling the back of her neck.

“It was you, wasn’t it?” he asked Helen.

Standing up with a practiced ease, Helen brushed brain and blood from her sleeves. “Don’t thank me all in a rush now, Nick,” she said.

“An’ why exactly would I be thanking you?”

Helen shrugged, running fingers through her hair, sifting out the leaves, flowers, and relict protoflowers she’d picked up along the way. “Given how much you’ve been going on and on about Claudia, I decided to give you an anniversary present you’d actually enjoy.”

“What did you do with Jenny??” It took a while, but I was beginning to love her for her, not for being a Claudia substitute. And now, now she’s just gone.

Mrs. Cutter blinked. “Do make up your mind, Nick - I just got Claudia back for you.”

Nick gaped. “You - you did…you did what?”

“You’re welcome.”
The End

nick, primeval, primeval fanfiction, helen

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