Torchwood ficlet: "Same as the first" (Tosh, Owen; KKBB spoiler)

Jan 20, 2008 22:19

Title: Same as the first…
Rating: PG-15.
Warnings: this song may not have made it across the Pond to you lot…yet.
Pairings: *eg*
Characters: Toshiko Sato, Owen, Gwen, Ianto, Hart.

Spoilers: KKBB.
Disclaimer: not mine! I own none of them.
Short Summary: Hart sings, and Owen tells Tosh about the woman in his (Owen’s) life.


“Second verse,” John Hart sang, sounding quite level-voiced, despite having just emptied the Torchwood liquer cabinets (primary, auxiliary, backup) into himself, “same as the first. I’m Henry the Eighth I am, Henry the 8th I am I am…”

“Jack can’t die,” Ianto said to Gwen, “but he can, right?”

“It’s definitely worth a shot,” she agreed.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the cavern, “So, Owen,” Tosh said, “about what you were saying, you know, about diminishing returns, and -“

“An’ wanting to find a good girl to settle down with,” Owen said, nodding. “Yep. Found ‘er too, now that you mention it.”

Not sure whether to beam or blush, Tosh did both. “Why Owen Harper, tha-“

“Wanna meet her?”

Her jaw dropped.

In a rather weak voice, “What?” Toshiko asked, hoping it wasn’t a squeak.

“Sure. You’d get on fine, I’m sure of it.”

Not if I strangle her. Or play merry Hell with her home electronics.

“Her name,” Owen said, oblivious, “is Abby Maitland. Abby,” savoring the taste of the name.

Tosh stood up, slapped Owen - who only then realized that Tosh was wearing perfume - and wandered off… grumbling “third verse, same as the first.”
The End

torchwood, crossover, abby, toshiko, owen

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