Primeval ficlet: "The Kiss" Abby/Connor

Jan 19, 2008 21:29

Title: The Kiss.
For Purpleyin, who requested a Connor/Abby drabble.
Rating: PG-13.
Warnings: explosion; there’s a season 2 character in here.
Pairings: Abby/Connor.
Characters: Connor, Penny, Abby, Stephen,
Spoilers: exceedingly vague mention of someone from episode one of series 2.

Disclaimer: not mine! I own none of them.
Short Summary: The Kiss.

The Nore:

It was as far from being right out of the movies as it could possibly be, yet in the distance, Stephen was saying how cinematic the scene is. Probably because Connor had swept Abby to him, planting a kiss that hadn’t let up yet.

Penny muttered something about men, hormones, and life-threatening situations.

Abby’d come along for the ride, hoping she could be of assistance in corralling the latest Creature on the loose (a rabid Oviraptor), despite her not having fully recovered from a mild case of flu. She felt distinctly unsexy, even if one ignored the baggy long-sleeved clothes she was wearing and how her hair didn’t seem to have seen a comb in the past week.

And, seconds ago, she’d saved Connor’s life, making the Oviraptor’s head and upper neck explode in a fireworks display of feathers.

Not noticing anything but the kiss, Nice! Abby reflected.
The End

primeval, abby, connor

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