tonight's GRIMM

Dec 06, 2014 03:44

one wonders if we're going to also see Nick and Juliette body-swapping as well. (if the first one caused bodyswapping between Nick and Adalind)

* yay, no Hitler in the credits.

* offhand, I'd guess some visual kinship with...who was the one Monroe said were confused with Bigfoots?

* maybe Juliette's pregnant with Adalind's baby, not with Nick's.

* they're not all bad, but most of them are." wow, Juliette,

* yeah, that mom wants to know what he means by "according to the book".

* one can only imagine conclusions are forming in Wu's head.

* did Trubel just flinch when she looked at him lying on the couch?

* Yes, but Juliette handles them when they break into her home; and Hank is a cop. you are not a cop, and I'm not sure who you'd burn with water - yourself or the wesen.

* {there was a comment grew so large i moved it to the end of this post}

* Trubel's probably thinking "don't kill anyone? that's how we got in this mess".

* wow, talk about timing. :)

* so, no way to get in touch with either mother...oh dear.

* Nick, get it through your head - Wu would still be on your case if he hadn't found your book.

* wow, have we found someone who isn't afraid at all of Grimms? or is that a sort of viking-ish battle frenzy?

* "They are in fact the children of the Indole Gentile."

...children of gentiles? novel - and terrible - reason for that medieval belief tradition, if that's an accurate translation.

* "a reason for fruitcake." :)

* seriously, Nick, are you actually playing matchmaker for Trubel now?

* "You're the Grimm."

...not "you're a Grimm"...she said "you're the Grimm."

* her woge reminds me of Byzantine religious angel?

* "kill the women first"...and Trubel doesn't even blink.


* aaand another place Grimm confounds me: usually when there are groups like that, they're a part of the surrounding majority and-or part of the dominant surrounding culture. {ie, the KKK}

...when its the minority group who has rules about who not to marry, its nothing as formal as that {no policing organizations}; and there tend to be communities of the group living together (usually in ghettos or neighborhoods) where spouses can be found.

...the way Grimm has been presented to us, is that there are no communities or neighborhoods which are all Blutbaden or all Hexenbiest(en?), etc; the "bear wesen" of S1 was a family unit - and aside from them, and Bud's lodge is the only possible exception to this. Instead, what we are shown are communities of wesen, all of different types. {are we expected to buy that they're all like Monroe, shunned from their families?}

...heck, the fact that they have a Wesen Council, supports the idea that they are a single community. {or was the Council imposed upon them from outside?}

...though, if there's that sort of reaction to wesen marrying different wesen, what would be the reaction to a wesen marrying a human? {wait, we've seen - nothing}...or a wesen marrying a Grimm? {"now you're delusional" probably}

...though, given how its been established that North America (or at least the Pacific Northwest) is rather...lax and disconnected from the rest of the Wesen&Royal world {everyone from Reapers to assassins all have to be shipped special from Europe, rather than from a local division}, it suggests that, even if that organization has survived, what we're seeing are people emulating it - and Trubel's findings at the house seemed to be reinforcing that, before she was interupted.

...then again, perhaps that very absence of nearby authority {and Renard's grip on the region being either distracted or weakening}, has permitted this group of bigots to have such an influence in the region.

dammit, episode review, spoilers, social, grimm, people, society, history, wesen

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